Chapter 4

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Six's P.O.V

After practice, I said my goodbyes to my friends and walked to my apartment with Mono. We did talk while walking and I felt like it was just me and him together.

"So, um, may I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure, go ahead." Mono smiles.

I nodded then took a big breath. I turned my head towards him and gave him a soft smile.

"You don't mind if I...sleep over at your apartment?" I asked quietly.

Mono looks at me and held my hand.

"I don't mind at all Six. Besides, I don't care if you sleep over everyday or not."

"Oh okay." I blush with a bright smile.

We walked to Mono's apartment then I stepped inside. I took off my shoes then grabbed my apartment keys. I told him I'll be back to get some extra clothes and stuff that I needed.

(Time Skip Of Packing)

I open the door and locked it when it closed behind me. I put my stuff in Mono's bedroom and looked around for a while. His room is very soft looking and very clean. I looked at his drawings on his desk and they look amazing! Even the flowers that Mono drew.

The door opened and he smiled while holding two Sprite cans in his hand.

"Here you go! I thought about us while I was doing some things and decided to get both of us a drink." He said.

I chuckled a little with a smile as well.

"Thank you and you didn't have too." I said.

"Yeeaah. Oh, anyways, I drew something for you."

He puts down his drink on the desk and gets a sheet of paper. He hands it over and I took it. I smiled and it was a drawing of me with a flower in my hand.

"Aww thank you Mono! It looks so beautiful!" I said.

"Hehe, thanks. I drew it before you came here."

I nodded then put the drawing down, wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder. I blush red with a simple, happy smile on my face.

"You're so sweet, thank you so much." I said softly in his ear.

"You're welcome Six. Anything for my special friend." He said gently in mine.

We looked at each other then blush red. Oh God. I didn't expect this to happen. I took the drawing and put it in my bag. I went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Mono sits right next to me then scooted closer to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me.

Question: How does Mono feel when we're showing each other affection even though we're friends?

Soon, we watched a romantic movie and I was getting sleepy. I slowly closed my eyes and slept on Mono's warm shoulder.

Mono's P.O.V

Time past, and the movie ended. I looked at the time and it was ten. Damn, we stayed up that late just to watch the movie?

I turned my head to Six and she fell asleep on my shoulder. I smiled and lay her down gently. I gave her a pillow and a blanket then turned off the TV. I walked to my room until I felt my hand grabbed. I turned to see Six with her eyes opened tiredly.

"Can I sleep with you?" She said quietly.

I froze for a moment and then smiled slightly.

"Yeah sure." I said.

Six didn't respond and I just stared. I suppose she fell asleep again, so I picked her up in bridal style and took her to my room. I moved the blanket, and put her down gently. I put the covers over her and kissed her head lightly.

"Goodnight Six." I said softly then lay down on the other side from her.

I put the covers on me and closed my eyes. I felt Six moving around until she laid on me. I blushed red and looked at her again. She slept peacefully and breathed slowly. I rubbed her back with my hand and closed my eyes again, telling myself that I have feelings for Six already.

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