Chapter 5

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Six's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and it was already morning. I looked at the clock and it's only five. I turn my head, seeing Mono asleep. Then I realized I slept with him. Oh. My. God. I SLEPT WITH HIM!!??

I blushed red so hard I could scream. I got off of him slowly then went to my bag to get a toothbrush, then went to the bathroom. I washed up and breathed slowly, calming myself down from the fact that I slept with him last night.

I got out of the restroom and I see Mono just sitting on the bed. I froze a little then he looks up at me. I smiled and he did too.

"Morning Mono." I said quietly.

"Morning cutie." He said tiredly.

Huh? He called me..."cutie"?

"What?" I question.

"Oh uh, sorry...I'm tired from watching the movie last night." He said.

I nodded slowly and got ready to go to school while Mono went to the bathroom. I wore a black shirt with red and black plated skirt. I wore black high thigh stockings and a black soft-leather jacket.

Mono came out and sees me wearing different clothing. He blushes red and smiles.

"Wow, you look beautiful." He said gently.

"Um, thanks." I giggled.

I went out of the room and sat in the kitchen. I waited for Mono to get ready and I ate cereal for breakfast.

By the time I was done eating, Mono came out and I blush again. He wore something simple just as wearing a grey hoodie with black pants. I have no reason to blush at all, but he looks cute in my point of view.

"M-Mono, you look so...hands-some." I said.

"Thanks." He said with a smile.

We put on our bags and shoes then went outside. Mono and I talked all the way to high school which I always walk alone with Two by my side at times. Anyways, we arrived at the school and I walked inside. Mono followed me and there was our crew, talking by the lockers. They saw us and smiled.

"Hey lovebirds!" Two waved.

"Two!? We're not dating." I said.

"Oh realllly? Showing affection to Mono at the studio yesterday?"

I blush and looked away. Mono puts a hand on my shoulder and gives a smile, making me smile as well.

"Oooooh smiling at each other is a good signal." Seven smirks.

"Yeah, yeah. It's like you know anything about love." said Mono.

"Oh yeah I do too!"

"Hehe, whatever."

The bell rang and it was time to go to class. We all have the same class schedule together and it's I guess?

I walked inside until someone grabbed my arm. It pushed me to the wall and I see Ray with a smirk.

"Hello Six." He said deeply.

I put my hands on his shoulder then kicked his balls. He grunts in pain and I looked at him with a serious look.

"Don't touch me ever again, you pervert." I said.

I walked inside of the classroom and sat down on my seat. I was so terrified. Ray's back. He's back. That means he's gonna track me everywhere I go, touch me and hurt me, and try to kill me! What if he hurts Two? Juan and Seven? And Mono?

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up slowly and Mono stares at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I was speechless for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

Class started and Ray sat in the front row on the third seat. Good thing he's sitting up there. I started to write notes down while Mrs. Soyeon spoke about literacy stuff. I couldn't even get the thought about Ray. I'm so afraid what's gonna happen to me...what if my friends don't believe me if I get sexually hurt? What if he rapes me? AHH I can't stop thinking. What's gonna happen in my life when Ray's here?

(Time Skip)

After five periods, I sat down at a table and looked down, thinking about all these possibilities what Ray's gonna do to me or my friends. While I was thinking, someone sat by me and I didn't look up. It touch my shoulder and spoke.

"Six, are you okay?"

I turned my head, seeing Mono again. I faked smile and nodded.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been acting weird for the past 5 periods. What's going on? Is everything okay?"

I was silent again. I put my head down on the table and tears form in my eyes. Two and the others sat here as well and asked Mono if I was okay or not. I looked at him and shook my head.

"It's Ray. He's back. I feel like I'm gonna get hurt again by him and he'll keep touching me nonstop and I don't know what to do." I said, trying not to cry.

Mono stared and the others were speechless as well. He sighed and hugs me. I blush and tears rolled down.

"I don't even know this guy, but look, if he does hurt you, I'll kick his ass and I will ACTUALLY hurt him. Even though I might not know, at least you'll tell me because you really need to tell someone about this assault you know? And it's serious. Don't be scared what's gonna happen, you'll never know what's gonna happen. I promise you, you'll be okay. Your friends are here for you, especially me. I love you okay? Don't be afraid, be brave and don't worry, okay?"

I looked back at him and smiled while my tears were falling. He wiped them away from me and touches my cheek with his warm hand.

"I love you too Mono." I said quietly.

There was silence at the table until Mono smiles.

"Can I tell you something after school? It's serious." He said.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I said nervously.

The others were looking at each other and laughed. I rolled my eyes. I know what they're thinking.

After school, Mono and I walked together and he held my hand. We talked about Ray and how he assaulted me and stuff and about how my friends beat his ass which Mono loves that part as well.

We went to Mono's apartment and I walked inside. I took off my shoes and put my bag down beside the couch. Mono quickly takes my hand and walks to his bedroom. I was curious of what he was doing and I wanted to know about what he's gonna say.

I sat down on his bed and he sat by me. There was a moment of silence until Mono spoke.

"Six, I have a confession to make..." he said gently.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked.

He took a big breath and looks at me in the eyes with a soft smile.

"Six, I have feelings for you, even though we met a few days ago. I know it's weird falling in love at first sight, but I'm just letting you know, I really like you. You're really kind and so caring. I want you to know how much I love you, even if you don't like me back, that's okay, but I want to say I love you, more than a friend. So, will you go out with me, Six?"

I blush mad red and I was speechless of what to say. I nodded with a smile and giggled.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." I smirked.

I grab his hand and we stood in front of each other. I wrap my arms around his neck, putting my fingers through his hair. He wraps his around my waist and tickles his nose to mine. I smiled then slowly kiss his lips, meaning how much I love him from the start.

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