Chapter 16

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"I think is the better way to stay away from him.."

Atsumu was silence after what Kita said to him, he clenched his hand and looked up to him again.

"I think your mistaking, Mr. Kita, Mr. Kiyoomi is my boss and I'm his secretary, we don't have that kind of relationship"

"Don't deny it, I know you give him your own blood"

"W-What are you talking about?–"

Kita sighs "I'm a vampire too, like Sakusa"

Atsumu was shocked and he can't even say a word he clenched his teeth and frowned.

"I know this is all of a sudden, but please take care of yourself, that's all."

Kita stands up and grab his coat walking out from the cafe, Atsumu was leaved behind having a lot of questions in his head.

A few hours have passed and he didn't come back from the office, Sakusa wants to see him to ask why didn't he come back. Atsumu finally returned to the company, he goes straight to his office, he was looking depressed.

"Where have you been?" Sakusa said seriously.


"Cafe? you mean you're in the cafe for 4 hours?"


" Do you know how much work you leave behind? and you're just in the cafe? what the hell are you doing there by the way?"

"I was with Mr. Kita..."

"Oh? Kita? what the hell? you mean you've been hanging out with him in the cafe in 4 Hours?!"

"I'm sorry..."

"You leave just to hangout with him?! leaving all your work behind!? seriously Atsumu?"

Atsumu was looking down while he was getting scold by Sakusa, until..he can't take it anymore...

"What are we!?"


"I said WHAT ARE WE?! really? sucked my blood and fucked me, you kissed me, you hug me, you even bring me to your home! you send me to my house when going home from're kind to me!"

"What are you talking about..?" Sakusa frowned.

"...what are we? be honest I'm just here for work, I applied to this job to get a better future...then theres you..when I met you my life changed!"

Atsumu looked up to Sakusa, he widen his eyes as soon as he sees Atsumu...he was crying...

"I love you! and thats the truth! You already know it but you take it as a joke! what? am I a play thing!?"


"You're always acting like this!"

"I said ENOUGH!"

Atsumu stop from talking and Sakusa sighs...

"Get out.."


Atsumu walked out and slamed the door, his employee sees him leaving with his bag and figured the both of the fought, Atsumu was crying while walking to the street the wind touches his face.

Sakusa have been into bad mood lately, he canceled all his meetings, he won't let anyone inside his office, he was just reading a book.

A day passed and Atsumu still came to work but the both of them really didn't talk to each other even their alone, Sakusa and Atsumu isn't even made an eye contact.

"Hey do you think its weird..."

"Yep it's super weird"

"Mr. Kiyoomi and Mr. Atsumu fight and never talk or even look at each other"

"Mr. Kiyoomi is aslo back to his past self"

"Yeah...his cold glare was back and the hobby that he reads book all alone to his huge office"


Its been months since the both of them avoiding each other...Sakusa get a new blood source into a hospital, Atsumu was working well without him, He have a new business partners. Until Kita visit again to see Atsumu and Sakusa.


"Oh? Mr. Kita..."

"Mr. Kiyoomi, I'd like Atsumu to work for me, since my secretary was leaving for a few months, I want him as a replacement until my ordinary comes back" Kita said while smiling at Sakusa.

"Uh...but Mr. Kita, my boss don't have an secretary if I come with yo–"

"Its fine, take him, Suna can replace him"

Atsumu frowned and grip his hands

"Then its fine? please ready yourself Mr. Atsumu"


He ready his bag and take a leave with a frown on his face they arrived on Kita's company. Meanwhile with Sakusa, he punch the wall until he bleeds leaving a frown on his face and clearly he was pissed.



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