Chapter 33

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Sakusa was driving until he saw a ring shop, he stoped and look at it, he enter the shop and he look around, a ring stole his attention and make him stop, and he call the woman who was selling it.

"How much is this?"

The lady said the price, it was super expensive, the lady said it was a rare ring and Sakusa made a good choice, and he let Sakusa to observe the ring with care, Sakusa put a gloves and he observes it touching the diamond.

After he purchase the ring he leave the shop immediately, and he go to his father first.

"Father, I'm going to marry him"

His Father smiled and tap his shoulder. "Son, Be gent-" His words was stoped by Sakusa's glare.

"It's nothing, When is the wedding?"

"I'm about to propose to him, Help me out..."

"My Son grow up Fast~" He said while his hand was on his mouth tears coming out on his eyes.

"Shut up"

"Ok Ok, I have a plan" Mr. Sakusa said winking on Sakusa.

・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+

While Atsumu was on the couch resting and watching Television, there was a sudden black out.

"HOLY SHI–" He look around but he can't see anything but Darkness. He try to walk and grab into something, but he suddenly flinch as he felt the gun on his head.

While the hands on his mouth to prevent him from screaming, the guy putted a blindfold, knocking Atsumu out.

The guy whispered. "Hehe sorry" while he carry Atsumu in a piggy back tyle.

When Atsumu woke up, he was untied, he was on a couch, as the wind blows to his face and saw a ocean.

"Where the hell Am I??" He said looking around.

He walk around and saw a red carpet, and beside it it have candles, he saw Sakusa in the end of the red carpet he was approaching him, he have no mask but he we're a white gloves and he was wearing a white suit.

When he reach Atsumu he held his hand, kissing it. Atsumu blushed and his heart skipped a beat, when he predicted what will Sakusa do. His boyfriend suddenly kneel down, he grab something on his pocket, it was white Box.

He opened it slowly revealing a diamond ring. Atsumu can't held his tears, while blush from happiness and embarrassment.

"Will you marr–"


Sakusa chuckled when his words was stop answering him immediately even he didn't even finish his question, he stood up and grab the red rose on his suit and gave it to Atsumu.

As he placed the ring on his finger and receive a tight hug from Atsumu, when his tears falling down on his white suit, he hug him back sniffing his neck, he pull back and bring his hand up, while he cover the sunset, it reflected the light.

He kissed Sakusa's cheeks, and he put his lips to his, and they kissed passionately. A sound of people clapping their hands, Osamu, Suna, Mr. Sakusa, and Mrs. Sakusa

Mrs. Sakusa approach Atsumu and held his hand. "Welcome to the family, Sakusa Atsumu"

Atsumu blushed. "Err...Soon to be Sakusa"

"Aww but you already been a Sakusa since your a Kid" Mr. Sakusa said.

"Huh?" The both of them asked Mr. Sakusa.

"My Son cares a lot about you, he was literally asking for you ever day when he was a child"


"Oh~" He said mocking Sakusa.


"I booked a Hotel room" Mrs. Sakusa said while she chuckled. Atsumu tilts his head, asking if what is it but he didn't get an answer.

(A smut part 👀)

A few hours later, they go to the room that Sakusa's mother booked, when they enter the room, theres a big bed and a red petals was heart shaped. And a black hand cuffs was on the bed and some lotions, box of condoms was top of the drawer.

Atsumu blushed, and he turn around and saw Sakusa was blushing too, its so rare for him too see him like this. And he started to put his arms around his neck kissing him passionately, playing with his tongue while Sakusa was overwhelmed.

Sakusa slowly closed his eyes and grab his waist, and he traveled his back, while he grope his peach, Sakusa successfully take the control while he pushed Atsumu to the bed, ruining the heart shaped rose. He got top of Atsumu while he remove his shirt, revealing his eight packs muscles.

This cause to the Heart on Atsumu's pupil to pop, he sit up and put his arms around his neck again, licking his lips, he was kissed roughly by Sakusa, He undress him up.

Kissing every part of Atsumu, and giving him marks and bites, he gets down and he reach Atsumu's member while he touch he's cock, he reach his hole, licking it and enter his tongue on him.

Atsumu let out of a moan and grab Sakusa's head. "S-Stop! It's dirty!" Sakusa pull his tongue out.

"You're like the 1% germ that can't kill when i put some alcohol" He said smirking.

"I- I really don't know if your being sweet or mea– Ahngg!?~" Sakusa put a 3 finger inside in his hole while he put the lube on it while he thrust his finger deep in him, making erotic sounds.

"Ahnghh~ Huff~ D-Dont...!" He pull his finger and unzip his pants, while he rub his hole with his member, putting it in slowly, Atsumu's moan was in the whole room, he put his hand to Sakusa's back, while Sakusa thrust to him deeply, he scratched his back, leaving nail marks.

Sakusa continued this in different positions, the condoms on the drawer wasn't enough to satisfy Sakusa, the lube was out too, and Atsumu looked a mess, after he stroke himself on top of Atsumu and cum on his body.

After that he wiped Atsumu's body with tissues and grab a new blanket, he drank a water and lay beside on him kissing his forehead, and caressing his hair.

And he fall asleep cuddling Atsumu.

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