Chapter 28

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : some word is unpleasant, but who cares? y'all already sinful 😭😭 jk, but still if you don't like the part please skip it! 😚✋🏻

Sakusa sit down on the bed while Atsumu do the same, He was just staring to  the ground and haven't spoken yet, Atsumu reached his hand holding Sakusa's hand, he flinched, he looked at Atsumu smiling at him.

"Omi...Can you tell me what happened?"

Sakusa sighs and begun to spoke.

"It was when we're still kids...I was 12 and he was also 12 years old, Komori is my only friend, his mom was a noble too back then, we we're getting along, sometimes he is overprotective, he was worrying about me getting scratch, he was like a brother to me....But one day...Someone sent a man to kill his mom and his dad, he's mom was being rape in front of his dad, after that he's dad was being hang up, he got a trauma about it, he is the only survivor on his family, he manage to escape without them knowing. He was homeless, he was sleeping on the street, stealing foods. And there was a big misunderstanding... he heard some rumors while walking..."

"What's the rumors?..." Atsumu asked curiously.

"Sakusa Family Killed Komori Family"

"W-WHAT??" The Boy replies with a shock.

"Then after what he heard he came rushing to me, with a angry face and he punched me, my guards pointed a gun to him and that made him think that it was true, I said to them to put the gun down, he enter the mansion forcefully, I tried to stop him, but he was really angry, he was yelling ay my Father, he also said it wasn't us, it was just a rumors, but he didn't believe what Father said he run out from the mansion, and we never found him since then. Now that he showed up he was after you"


Sakusa grip his hand. "He start to Kill people that have a contact to our family"

"Then!? How about Kuroo?! and Bokuto?!"

"Don't worry, they we're protected by us"

"Y-You're Mom!?"

"My Mom had a strong maids, and she was stronger than she looks"

"Then... that's a relief"

"Don't worry about yourself, You're mine, no ones allowed to touch you besides of me"

Atsumu blushed hardly, looking away from sakusa "S-Stop i-it"


Meanwhile with Komori

"Idiot, idiot, idiot, IDIOT, DUMBASS, DIE, FOR FUCK SAKE JUST DISAPPEAR, DIE, DIE DIE, DIE, DIE SAKUSA KIYOOMI JUST DIE!!! SUFFER LIKE YOU WERE IN HELL–" Someone stop his words by saying..."Calm down Komori...Is Atsumu alright?"

"You have no right to enter my office without permission" Komori said with a pissed tone.

"I'm asking the question"

"TSK! You're lovable MIYA ATSUMU is fine so for FUCK sake KNOCK to the door before coming in again"

"Then that's a relief, try to give him a scratch I'm gonna kill you"

"Don't worry~ I'm gonna kill Kiyoomi and you can have yours~" Komori said with a sudden change of expression.

"Kita Shinsuke"


"News?" Mr. Sakusa said.

"We found one" Kuroo said while he flip the paper

Mr. Sakusa stood up slamming the table. "Tell me"

"They might be on a Hospital, it was in the middle of the forest, currently the Komori Motoya you said is running the Hospital, it was old Hospital, the patients can count by your fingers, they said it was a good Hospital because patients was treated right, but some of them said that its a Hunted Hospital, because they heard some cries and scream of a man, we're currently watching the Hospital"

"We're going there right now" Mr. Sakusa said while he put some jacket.

"But sir..." Kuroo hesitated as he saw the expression of Mr. Sakusa. He called a guard that was watching the Hospital. "Enter the Hospital and search for Them" The guard didn't hesitate to move and bring out their own guns, they entered the Hospital forcefully that the Door was cracked.

A helicopter came, Mr. Sakusa jump of the Helicopter landing on the front of the Hospital giving a huge crack on the ground. He finally stepped to the Hospital floor.

Meanwhile with Komori while he was on his office a heavy aura surrounds the Hospital, he can feel the power through his veins. " this p-power...! it's Mr. Sakusa..!"

He rushed to the ground floor and found out Mr. Sakusa having a sip of tea, he approached him slowly, when he was getting closer and closer the aura was getting stronger, but Komori can take it and he even sit in front of him with a smile, wearing a doctors coat.

"Mr. Sakusa, Nice to meet you again, its been 11 years"

Mr. Sakusa didn't answer him, as he slam the cup on the table, he bring his hand back to him again and smiled back at Komori, seconds later the table broke an instant.

"Yes, Its been a decade since we met again"


Request Mention: Sdrake_06 UwU

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