Chapter 18

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Sakusa flashback in his childhood.

Sakusa is a child that is surrounded by guards because he needs protection as the young master of Sakusa family, he can't play outside without those guards watching him, the other kids was scared because of them.

Until one day he run away from their mansion, he run through the forest and a lot further then he met a lake touching the sun, he walked forward and he saw a boy sitting in the corner touching the water of the lake, the boy has a yellow long sleeves and a brown hair.

He noticed Sakusa and stares at him for a while become he found him attractive, he's hair was curly and he got a big eyes and fluffy cheeks. Sakusa and him was staring at each other wondering who is that kid? the kid that has a brown hair approach Sakusa slowly and cheerfully.

"Hello!~" The boy said.

"H-Hi" Sakusa great nervously.

"Wow! tall!"

"You're tall too..."

"Why are sho wearing a outfit?"

"Huh? Oh this is my normal clothes."

"It looks super expensive!"

He chuckled"you're cute, whats your name?"

"Miya Atsumu! pew pew" the boy bought a toy gun and he points it to Sakusa which is so adorable, but someone saw it and it was his guard, the guard pointed a real gun on him and the boy flinched and trembling and he started crying.

Sakusa glares at his body guard while he was hugging the boy in his arms and comforting him, the guard flinched and bring down his gun and bow down on him until his father arrived, he was worried sick, he saw his son holding a kid and patting his head, His father kneeled down to him and offered his hand to Sakusa.

"Lets go now, Ok?"

"But father...he's crying."

"I found his Mother and she's here so don't worry"

His Mother run to see his son and comforting him from crying, then he saw another boy and he looks really just like him, the boy shouted at Sakusa.

"shO! make my big bwother cwry! bad! bad!"(You make my big brother cry)

Sakusa had no idea what the other boy is saying and the mother stoped him from shouting at him she bowed down and the other boy saw his mother saying sorry on the ground and Atsumu was just crying.

Back at the mansion, Mrs. Sakusa gave him a tight hug to his child.

"Mom I'm sorry"

"You don't need to say sorry, you're still a kud and had to learn a lot to this world Ok? we're different from humans thats why we don't want you to go outside." Her mother said while hugging him.




Sakusa was back  to reality after he was called serval times by Atsumu.

"Are you Ok?"

"I'm fine"

Atsumu pushed him back to the couch where the both of them sitting.

"What are you doing?"

Atsumu smirked and he lay closer to Sakusa, his hands on his chest.


Atsumu put his arms around him and rub his head to his left shoulder, Sakusa reached his head and patted it again his another hand was in his waist.

"Did you color your hair?"


"So you did"

"Ughh finee it was colored!"

"Lets go out"

"Hm? to where?"

"You'll see"

Sakusa bring up Atsumu and stands up and bring Atsumu to the car.


To be continued.

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