Chapter 21

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Atsumu flushed after he got a gentle kiss from Sakusa, he pushed him a little but Sakusa's hands is still on his waist, he looked away from him and tried to hide his blushing face away from his boss.

"What?" Sakusa asked while pulling him closer.

"D-Don't look!-" Atsumu pushed him.

"Mhm, Why not?"

Sakusa grabbed his face and he saw Atsumu was blushing.

"Its just a kiss"

Atsumu lowered his head while his hands is still on Sakusa's chest.

"S-so?...a-are you my b-"

"My? what?"

Atsumu mumbles something and Sakusa didn't hear it, so he lowered his head.

"B-boyfriend.." Atsumu blushed and covered his face.

"PFFT–" Sakusa chuckled.


"No, No, its just you're so cute, of course, I am"

"R-really?" Atsumu bring his hand down and looked at Sakusa.


Moments later someone was watching them having a sweet time now that their a couple, he got a long leather black coat, the guy who was watching them was monitored by Sakusa this whole time, he knew someone was watching them from far, the guy turned back and jumped away.

Tomorrow morning the both of them goes to work as usual, and then while working someone emailed Atsumu, it says that Sakusa needs to go out of town for a business trip, it was his father that emailed him.

"Omi? you're father emailed me"

"Mhm? what did he say?"

"He says you need to go out of town for a business trip"

"Is that so?"

Sakusa stands up and get his phone, outside he called his father.

On a call:

Father? Can I ask where is the meeting?


can I take him with me?

No its very important


you sound upset

What? me? no I'm not

Oh real-

Call ended

Sakusa sighs and go back to his office looking frustrated.

"Are you Ok?" Atsumu asked worriedly.

"No, its just I want to bring you with me" Sakusa hold his hand.

Atsumu flushed and smiled at Sakusa. "No! its fine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely, just take care alright? where are you assigned?"

"France.." Sakusa hold his hand tightly.

"That's far.." Atsumu lowered his head.

"I'll be back as soon as possible"


Tomorrow morning Sakusa says goodbye to all employee, he will be gone for a week, and Suna was a replacement for Sakusa, At the airport Atsumu was there too he was saying goodbye to his boyfriend and be safe, Sakusa already in the air and he was typing to his keyboard, still doing his work, the flight attendant offered a wine but Sakusa declined.

When Sakusa arrived at france theres a car waiting for him, there are also reporters because his business was very popular at France, Kuroo is the one he was meeting.

"Hello, Im Kenma Kozume, kuroo's secretary" He said while tapping on his phone playing something.

"Where's Kuroo?" Sakusa asked while spraying some alcohol on him but Kenma wouldn't mind.

"He said he will be back immediately."

"Alright I'll be waiting to his office"

"This way sir" Kenma is still on his phone.

1 Hour have passed and Kuroo isn't there yet Sakusa was still waiting for him and looks like he was pissed, someone entered the office and had some tea.

"H-heres a tea s-sir."

Sakusa was about to say something bad but he calmed down first. "How many tea do you have to serve to meet your boss? what? I've already drink your tea 3 times and this is the fourth time! I-" Sakusa sighs and says sorry to him.

"Woah! Calm down Mr. Kiyoomi"

"Kuroo you fucking bastard where have you been?" Kenma said while walking forward to Kuroo.

"Calm down Kenma"

"Your client is waiting for an hour, he hot a long ride from tokyo and you made him wait! are you insane or something?"

"Its Alright" Sakusa stands up and approach Kuroo. "Just make sure it won't happen again, Mr. Kuroo"

"Right" Kuroo said while smiling at him.

Kenma goes out to give the both of them a time to talk to each other. Kuroo sit down on his chair wheres a large and clear glass table on his front and a chair on the side.

"please take sit" Kuroo offered the chair.

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