(The End) Chapter 35

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Five Years have passed, since they we're married. The sky was bright and beautiful as ever, wind flowing through the trees, Sakusa was on the bench reading, until Atsumu stole his attention when he shouted.

"SAKUSA KITSU SLOW DOWN! YOU'LL TRIP!" He said while he chase the boy.

"I'm a big boy now! mo–" The boy's word we're stoped when he tripped to the stone stuck in the grass, the boy started to tear up.

"I told you! listen to me for once!" Atsumu said while he kneel down, he looked at his arm and knees if his injured, he got scratched in to his right knee.

"M-Mommy..b-blood" The boy said sniffing.

"There, there, don't cry now, Dad will heal it"

Sakusa approach the two, and he looked at Kitsu's knee without touching it, first he putt some gloves before he touch Kitsu.

"D-Daddy, make t-the pain g-go shoo!" Sakusa carried Kitsu and hug him.

"Don't worry, Dad will heal it for you"

Atsumu smiled, and the wind blows with some leaf, while they we're leaving the park.


Kitsu fell asleep while he was watching his favorite show, Sakusa was on the couch while Atsumu was on he's arms.

"Kitsu Will be a half vampire, when he turn 10 years old he's going to be finding blood." Sakusa said while he kiss Atsumu's forehead, caressing his hair.

"Mhm...I'm happy to have  Kitsu, look at him he have 2 moles in his forehead like yours and his super Cute!"

"And he have your soft Hair"

"Yeah but he got your curliness"

Sakusa grab Atsumu's face and kiss him passionately, pushing him to the couch and end up on his top, playing with his tongue while his hand travel through Atsumu's chest, and he rub his nipples, causing Atsumu to moan while kissing.

Sakusa pull off the kiss and lift Atsumu's shirt revealing his pinkish nipples.

"I wonder if milk still comes out, I remember when Kitsu used to suck this every night" He said licking it lightly.

"Ahngg...Stop, Kistu might woke up!"

"Then, lets head to the room" Sakusa said while he carry Atsumu in a bridal style.

A few hours have passed Kitsu woke up and he found no one by his side, so he go to his parents room, and saw Atsumu and Sakusa was sleeping, he goes to them and climb the bed.

He jump to the middle, The both of them was startled.

"Mommy, daddy! wake up!"

Atsumu sit up and carry Kitsu, Suddenly he started crying. Atsumu panicked and ask if what's wrong.

"M-mama! bites! mosquitos! a lot!" He said pointing to his neck and chests.

Sakusa laughed and Atsumu blushed.

"M-Mommy is al-alright" Atsumu said while he glare at Sakusa, he was holding his laugh.

"That isn't a mosquito bites, Kitsu"

Kitsu look at Sakusa, making a confused face. "Ehh?! then who bite mommy!?"

"Me, I bite your mommy, cause he's mine" Sakusa said while he looked at his husband, Atsumu blushed and looked away.

Suddenly Kitsu raised his hand and tap Sakusa's face, looks like Kitsu want to slap Sakusa, Atsumu laughed and kissed Kitsu's fluffy cheeks, and punch it.

"Mommy is not a foodie! daddy!" He said with an angry face and pointing at Sakusa, he looked at his child with a frown on his face. Atsumu brush off his eyebrows.

" Don't frown"Atsumu said laughing.

After Atsumu take a shower and clean  the house, someone doorbells, he goes to the door and open it.

"Yow" Kitsu walk and take a peek, his eyes brighten when he saw the person.

"Uncle!" Osamu hugged Kitsu and he also hug his twin, someone peeks at his back and it was Suna.

"Its been a long time, you still looked ugly, Samu"

"Look who's talking, when I'm beside you I look good af"

"Ha? Are you kidding rn?" Atsumu said while he rolls is eyes.

"Maybe It's true that monkeys can't understand anything" Osamu said rolling his eyes too.

"You both have the  Same fucking FACE" Sakusa and Suna said.

"Shut up!" The Twin yelled at the same time.

"No fighting!" Kitsu said grabbing Osamu and Atsumu's clothes.

"Tsk! your lucky you got a cute kid" Osamu said patting Kitsu's head.

"I know right? he's cute Af"

"idiot I love you for this"

"Aww I love you too bitch"

Suna and Sakusa looked at each other. thinking

'What the fuck is wrong with this two?'

Atsumu leave Kitsu to Osamu and Suna, He drag Kiyoomi to the beach where he first proposed to Atsumu.

"Why are we here?"

"Omi, remember when you ask for my hand?"


"That's the best thing happened to my life, I love you Omi"

"What's that? are you gonna die or what?"

"Is it bad to say that I love you!? where's my I love you too?!"

Sakusa sighs "I love you with all of my heart, Yellow germ"

The both of them embrace each other. While the air flows through their hair and face, the blue ocean waves.

The End.


(A/N): Y'all I really didn't expect this to Boom, I mean it reach 7K and a lot more people coming to read this🤺  I'm really thankful you read My Prey😭😭😭 Just ignore the mistakes That I made, Ignore it like it never E X S I S T

And for my Fellow readers I LOVE YOU 🤩💖


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