Side Story: Sakusa Kitsu

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Kitsu tie up his shoe as his parents was in the living room watching T.V. as he stood up he remind Atsumu and Sakusa that he was leaving for school.

Kitsu now is 20 years old and a first year collage, a freshman. He is very good at sports and his study too, very popular around girls because the looks he got. Other will find it shocking when they first time knowing that he's just a freshman. Before the professor arrived he sat on the back seat and a lot of girls already approached him and asking how was his morning and giving him praises, Kitsu just smiled and thank them.

School bell rang, it means its time for lunch, everyone stand up and fix their things and go to the cafeteria real quick, other bought their own food and others was buying food at the restaurant nearby, Kitsu was one of them. He bought a burger and fries.

While walking back to school, he bumped to someone that was rushing, the boy dropped his glasses and he fell down, Kitsu also dropped his fries and burger because of shock. Kitsu kneeled down immediately to help the boy— "I'm Sorry i didn't see you coming." Kitsu said reaching the boy's glasses and giving it to him.

The boy put his glasses on and look up to see Kitsu, "I am also sorry i was running and didn't be careful." Said the boy while they both stand up. Some of Kitsu's friends approached him, "Dude you okay? i saw you bumped to someone." He said while tapping his shoulders, it made Kitsu look into his direction. The other one laughed " HAHA dude, shouldn't you worried about SOMEONE he bumped to?"

"Ah, about that." Kitsu turn his head back again and he saw the boy gone, "Oh, he's gone..."

After class they all decided to have an after party since its the first day of school. Kitsu has the most invitation to it of course, even though he don't want to he have no choice but to come.

A lot of people are already there and Kitsu was a bit late, Kitsu opened the door, everyone suddenly got excited especially the girls too but kitsu noticed something, its the guy he bumped to earlier drinking a glass of alcohol.

"I- I'm sorry I'm late." he said with a bit of awkwardness.

"Oh my! sit with us Sakusa!" Offered a girl, but Kitsu just go to the boy.

"Is this sit free?" He asked with a smile on his face, the boy looked up and he was shocked, he almost spit out his drink.

"...yes." Kitsu sat and the girls suddenly made a sad noise.

"Aww.. why would you sat beside that nerd?" She said giggling. The boy flinched.

"Why is he even invited? Haha!" Said the other girl the girls just keep laughing. Kitsu was about to defend the boy but suddenly the boy suddenly put down the glass of alcohol empty and he slam it as loud as he can.

He made the girls laughing on silent. He gave them a death stare and it gave the girls shivers. "Well," Said the boy while he stand up and he look down at the girls. "Aren't you the one who invited and want me here? you dumb bitch." He said, Kitsu was shocked and speechless.

"You can't even pass the assignment on time and you're here partying when you have a lot things to do, isn't too early to celebrate? well. thats expected to a bitch like you." He looked at Kitsu and point at him. "He sat beside me because he doesn't like noisy bitch like you are."

All of the boys was shocked because its the popular girl she is telling that, a campus crush.

"You!..." The girl said about to shout at him. " Say I'm not gentleman or something whatever, girls like you doesn't deserve respect from me."

Kitsu stood up. "That's enough already, let's just enjoy the party alright?" The other boys also light up the party and make it joyful again. The boy with glasses just left without a word.

Kitsu come home around 11pm as he saw his Dad Atsumu waiting at the couch and His father too.

"Why are you late?" Ask Atsumu. "Look i tried to explain it to him." Said Sakusa.

"Wha—" "WHY ARE YOU LATE?" shout by Atsumu.

"Cmooooon, we had an after party and they wont let me goooo" said Kitsu hugging Atsumu. "Your son is popular like his father."

"Shut the fuck up, Kiyoomi."

After all of explaining and they finally calm Atsumu down, they decide to head to bed. Kitsu cant stop thinking about how cool that boy was, he doesn't need any help to defend himself.

He was so curious that he wants to know more about that boy.

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