Chapter 7

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Natsu's POV

One week into the pregnancy. I didn't realize how difficult it would be until it happened. Now, I know what you're saying. 'Natsu, it's a lot harder for the girl. Stop complaining.' It's still fucking hard for me. Dealing with constant mood swings, cravings, vomiting, and many more things while also trying to keep her happy is not as easy as it sounds.

I woke up on the ground, knowing very well Luce pushed me off the bed. I'm definitely not a fan of that, as I woke up with a lot of back pain.

I groaned in pain as I got up from my uncomfortable position on the floor. I looked over at Luce, who was fast asleep, cuddling the pillow beside her. I chuckled slightly, kissing her forehead. She smiled at this action, contagiously passing over to me. Sure, I may be uncomfortable, but I love seeing her smile. I left the room quietly, smelling a strong smell coming from the kitchen. I looked down to find Haru making breakfast. I stretched as I entered the room. "Sup. What'cha making?" I asked. "Lucy-chan's favorite breakfast."

I looked and saw she made thick slices of toast with jam and butter. There was also a plate with cooked egg and ham with a side of rice, withholding a raw egg along with bacon. Next to that was a glass full of boba tea. I was shocked. "Damn that looks amazing." I stated. "Thanks, don't touch it." She replied as she put the rest of the food on the tray and headed upstairs. I followed her.

She knocked on our door before opening it slightly. Luce was already awake, scrolling through her phone. "Breakfast for the pregnant lady." She said with a smile and handed her the tray. "Thanks Haru. This looks amazing." She said and began chowing down. "What the heck. I could've made you that breakfast." I pouted. "Honey, last time you tried to make my favorite breakfast, you almost burned down the house." Luce stated, giggling slightly. " Hey, it's not my fault! That dish is hard to make!" I told her. Both her and Haru sighed. "It's really not that difficult." I pouted again, folding my arms over my chest.

The both laughed at this reaction. "Okay, I'm gonna go downstairs and make Natsu and I something. See ya." Haru said, waving to the both of us before leaving us alone. Luce noticed my sad face, concerned. " What's wrong, Baby?" She asked. I looked up at her. " Do you still love me?" I said, visibly acting like a child. She gave me a pouty face, sad I would even ask that question. She held out her arms, indicating she wanted me closer to her. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" She questioned.

"You just seem like you don't want anything to do with me." I explained, looking down. She grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer before passionately kissing me. I almost immediately kissed her back. She held my face in her palms as we parted. "You are the love of my life. My soulmate. My badu, daddy." I chuckled at that last part. "Nothing will change that." She caressed my cheek, comforting me. I smiled before kissing her again. My arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer.

Her arms wrapped around my neck, somehow making the kiss deeper than it already was. My lips traveled from hers to her neck, softly kissing it. He giggled at this sudden action, massaging her hands through my hair. My hands began to travel to her shirt, lightly trying to pull it over her head. Just then, she put her hand on mine, stopping me. I looked up at her, pouting slightly. " Making out is one thing. Sex is another." She stated. I groaned, sadly. She giggled before ruffling my hair. My frown changed back to a smile. She did a grabbing motion with her hands, wanting me to cuddle with her. I smirked. Are you gonna push me off?" I jokingly asked. " I'll try not to." She replied, still open arms. I laughed before crawling into bed with her, snaking my arms around her waist as we cuddled. I smiled looking down at my fiance's stomach. I placed my hand on it, messaging it lightly with my warm hands. Even though she doesn't have a bump yet, it still makes me happy to feel where our baby is. She smiled at me, placing her cold hand on top of mine.

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