Chapter 9

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Normal POV

Today was the day. The day our beloved couple would be married. When Lucy told her parents why they chose this day, they teared up, loving how sweet their daughter really was. They couldn't believe how fast their little girl was growing. It was like yesterday she was learning to walk, and now she's getting married to the love of her life.

Lucy was shaking and fiddling with the hem of her dress and pacing, wondering as to why she chose a day so soon. If she was being honest, she was scared shitless. The ceremony would be starting soon, making her even more terrifying.

Haru noticed this and walked to her trying to comfort her. "Lucy-chan, it'll be oka-" "What if it goes wrong. What I get cold feet and bail on him? What if Natsu breaks up with me? What i-" Haru interrupted Lucy before she could finish her ranting.

"Stop worrying. Everyone will go perfectly. You two have been planning this for over a year. And it's kinda too late for Natsu to break up with you. Trust me. It'll be okay." The rest of the girls nodded. "That's what everyone will say. But what if you're wrong? What if he realizes this was a mistake and runs out? I'll be crushed." He kept pacing, about to run her fingers through her perfectly done hair before stopping herself.

"Lucy, you're overthinking this. You're gonna have a panic attack at this rate." Erza stated. She kept going. Erza sighed and stood up, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Ready? Breathe in, breathe out." She demonstrated with Lucy following along. "Better?" Lucy sighed, nodding while closing her eyes.

"Alright. Now repeat after me, 'I Lucy,'" Lucy repeated. "'Love Natsu,'" Lucy continued repeating whilst keeping her eyes closed. "'And promise to love and cherish him,'" Lucy was beginning to calm down more and more. "'Forevermore.'" Lucy breathlessly sighed, a smiling appearing on her face.

"There you go." Lucy chuckled before opening her eyes to look at Erza. "You've got this." Lucy nodded. "I've got this." She repeated, talking more to herself than Erza.

Haru massaged her shoulders softly, comforting her. "Natsu loves you. If he didn't, he would've left you WAY before this." She said, emphasizing the 'way' in her sentence.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Lucy asked. "It's your parents, dear." She immediately let them in, greeting them with a tight hug.

The moment they saw their daughter, their eyes lit up. "Oh my god, sweetie! You look absolutely amazing!" Her mother said, embracing her again. "How you feeling?" Her father asked.

"Nervous." She replied, massaging her neck. He chuckled lightly. "Don't worry. You'll do great." They reassured her. She smiled softly and squeezed both of their hands tightly.

Her mother left to her seat while her father stayed to give her away. "You're mother's right. You look gorgeous." Lucy smiled, a single tear streaming down her cheek. Thank you, dad." I love you." He placed his hand on her cheek. "I love you too, dear." They hugged again. "At this rate, we might as well just have a group hug!" Levy said. They all laughed. "Oh no I'm serious." Just then, they all joined into the hug, Jude briefly leaving it as to not get hurt.

They all laughed, Jude smiling lovingly at his daughter. Just then, the bells began to ring, indicating it was time for the ceremony to start. Everyone got into their places, ready to walk down the aisle with their assigned partner. Lucy sighed again before smiling.

Natsu's POV

It was time for the wedding to start. My hands were sweaty beyond belief. My father handed me a handkerchief from next to me, letting me dry my hands with them. I gave him a nod , as a way of thanking him. He nodded back.

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