Chapter 11

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Normal POV

Today was the day. The day our poor Lucy dreaded; her father's funeral. He died about a week ago in the hospital. Her mother told her exactly what happened.


Layla was sitting with Jude, comforting him through the pain he was suffering. "I'm going to get you some water, okay?" She told him, placing a hand on his thigh before leaving the room.

As she was getting the water, she could hear people frantically running towards one of the room. She began to worry and looked out to see where they were going. It was Jude's room. She hurried there to find that Jude was having a sezure. The doctors were frantically moving around, trying to look for anything to stop this. His heart rate monitor was going haywire. She watched as his heart beat slowly came to a stop.

Her eyes were full of tears as she watched the doctors desperately trying to save him. It was no use. He was gone.

End of Flashback

Lucy slowly stepped out of the car, no emotion coating her face. Natsu intertwined his hand with hers, squeezing it gently. They walked up to where the ceremony would be held. She was greeted by her mother's puffy, red face. She hugged her tightly, desperate to keep holding on. Lucy hugged her back, yet she still had that dead expression on her face. She was pale, both from the morning sickness and the terrible incident of her father that had occurred.

She eventually let her go, massaging her shoulders gently. They didn't say anything. They just walked together to the front seats, reserved for his closest family.

Once everyone had arrived, the ceremony had started. Layla went up to host it, tears beginning to fill her eyes. "Thank you everyone for coming. Today we're honoring the death of a great man, my beloved husband, Jude Heartfilia." They all say in silence.

She continued. "Sadly, he died from cancer last week, and it has been heartbreaking for all of us." She tried to keep her voice together as she spoke. "I want to thank you all again for coming to this event to honor Jude. I remember the first time I met him." She began to shed a tear. She held out her hand, gesturing for Lucy to come up with her. She did so and join her mother on stage.

"We were in college. I was working at the cafeteria as a part time job while he was studying for business. I knew his order by memory, as he always got the same thing. He was very quiet at first, but after spending time with him, he began the warm up to me."

She held onto Lucy's hand tightly, smiling sadly. "The day we were gifted this beautiful girl was the best day of our lives. She has been through so much, and her father was always there to protect her." Lucy smiled, her eyes watering. "I'm so thankful you two had such an amazing relationship." Lucy couldn't help but jug her mother tightly for a moment. She eventually let go, as did Layla.

"Would you like to say something?" Her mother asked. She nodded. Layla stepped down and sat by Natsu as Lucy took her turn to speak.

"This is so hard for me. I was so close to my father. Even though we had some rough patches, I was for sure a 'Daddy's girl'." She looked over to Natsu seeing the tears streaming down his face.

"I recently got married, and I was so thankful that my father was able to be there. Though he won't be there for my baby physically," She stated, placing a hand on her belly. "he'll always be in our hearts. I'm going to miss him more than anything, but it's time to let go." She finished, stepping down from the potium and taking her seat. Natsu gave her a right squeeze. You did great, honey." She smiled and looked back as the ceremony continued.

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