Chapter 13

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Lucy's POV

I was spastically breathing as we drove to the hospital, the strong contractions making it harder than it already was.

Natsu was driving as fast as he could, trying not to break the speed limit or crash into anything. He took little glimpses at me every now and then, making sure I'm doing fine. I was trying to practice my breathing exercises whilst we made our way to the hospital.

"Can you go any faster? This hurts like hell!" I shouted to him, the agony taking over my body. "We're almost there, babe. Don't worry." He lightly placed a hand on my thigh, afraid I might hit him. I placed one of my hands on top of his while the other was on my belly.

"Okay, how far apart are the contractions?" He asked me. I was counting to seconds. "6 seconds." He nodded and kept driving. I got the hospital on the phone so we wouldn't have to worry about making an appointment.

(Bold: Hospital Italic: Lucy)

"This is Magnolia Hospital, how may I help you?"

"He-hello my name is Lucy D-drag-neel. I'm going into labor and need to make an appointment."

"Okay, how far along are you?"

"A-about 38 weeks."

"Alright, do we need to send someone to assist you?"

"N-no my hu-husband is driving me there right now."

"Okay, Mrs. Dragneel. We have a room prepared for you. Once you get here, we'll immediately assist you to your room. How far apart are the contractions?"

"6 seconds apart."

"Alright, remember to breathe deeply and concentrate on your contractions."

"Okay, thank you."

I hung up the phone at that moment, taking the lady's advice. Before I knew it, we were at the hospital. Their were doctors outside with a wheelchair, waiting for us.

Natsu helped me out of the car, taking me as quickly as possible to the doctors. They noticed us and immediately ran over with the wheelchair, placing me down in it.

They reeled me into the building. I was shaking, nervous as to what was about to come. Natsu held onto my hand as they pushed me to the delivery room. He contacted our parents to let them know to come down to the hospital.

"I'm scared." I told Natsu, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He smiled. "You can do this, baby. You're strong." I was pushed into the delivery room while they talked to Natsu. "Are you the father?" I could hear a doctor ask. "Yes sir. Natsu Dragneel." I moment after, Natsu entered the room, standing next to my bed.

He held my hand tightly, squeezing it. "She's 7 centimeters dilated. Give her the shot." The nurse nodded, moving me upwards and injecting something into my back. The pain subsided a little bit. I was laid back down as they propped my legs up on these two leg rests.

They looked over at the monitor as they prepared for the birthing process. They sighed. "10 centimeters. It's time to start pushing." I sighed heavily and got ready to start pushing.

The pain was unbearable. It felt like knives were piercing through me as I tried to push the baby out. I took a break, breathing heavily. Natsu held my hand tightly.  I squeezed it as I kept pushing, knowing very well that his hand was hurting.

"You're doing great baby. Just keep pushing." Natsu whispered into my ear. I kept going, the pain getting stronger as I pushed harder. "I can see the head. Good job, Lucy. Keep going." I took a breathe before pushing as hard as I could.

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