Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV

Today was the day. My first check-up for the baby. After everyone left yesterday, I told Natsu about it. He was beyond excited to see the baby, as was I. Haru offered to take care of the pets while we were out, which we promised to repay her with something, but she insisted being my sister-in-law was enough. It's crazy to think that before she absolutely hated me and now she is one of my best friends.

Natsu and I still agreed to get her some food from Wendy's and Starbucks after the appointment. We took the basic things we needed and drove off to the clinic. My leg was shaking slightly. I was nervous. Natsu noticed this and placed a hand on my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze as to calm me down. "It'll be okay, Luce. Don't worry." I breathed out a sigh, smiling at my fiance.

Once we arrived, we grabbed the things we needed and headed inside. At the front desk was a lady who looked to be in her late 20's and clearly hated her job. "Hello. Welcome to the Magnolia Clinic. How may I help you?" She said in a very dry tone. "I'm, I have an appointment scheduled for 'Lucy Heartfilia'." I told her. She sighed and searched something on her computer before telling me to take a seat.

We sat down and awaited for the doctor to pull us in for the check-up. "What do you think they'll be?" Natsu asked me, trying to make small talk while we waited. "I don't know. I'm happy with whatever. But I do have some name ideas." He got comfortable, ready to hear what they were.

"Okay, if it's a boy, Luke. If it's a girl, Nashi." He smiled. "I love those." We stared lovingly into each other's eyes. "Lucy Heartfilia?" We heard from behind us. I turned around and raised my hand. "That's me." The nurse lady smiled sweetly at me. "Right this way." Natsu and I stood up and followed her into a room. "Just go ahead and sit on the bed right there. The doctor will be here in a moment." I nodded, smiling as she left. I laid down on the bed and we waited.

After a little bit, someone knocked on the door. The doctor came in, introducing himself. "Hello. I'm Dr. Evans, you must be Lucy?" I nodded as he shook my hand. "That's me." "And you must be the father?" He held out his hand. Natsu took hold of it, shaking it. "Yup." He smiled at both of us before grabbing some latex gloves and coming back to us. "So you're here for a pregnancy check-up? How far along are you?" He asked, getting some supplies. "About a week now. This is our first time being here."

He nodded. "So this is your first child. How are you feeling?" I sighed. "Nervous and excited."

He chuckled. "Understandable. And you, sir?" Natsu shrugged. "Same here." The doctor then grabbed a tub of something and, I believe it's called a transducer (I had to search this😅). "Okay, can you slightly lift up your shirt? This is going to be a little cold." He stated. I nodded and lifted up my shirt to where my belly was visible.

He squeezed the tub of substance on my stomach and began moving it around with the transducer. A picture appeared on the monitor, showing a very small sack. Both Natsu and I began to cry. 'That's our baby'.

"There it is. There's the baby." He said with a smile as he kept moving around the transducer, examining it with every angle. Natsu and I smiled at each other, intertwining our hands.

"Good. The baby is the right size for the pregnancy. They're about the size of a small peach right now." We nodded. He then took away the transducer. "Everything's looking great so far. The next appointment should be in about 3 weeks. How does that sound?" He asked, taking off his gloves and throwing them away.

I sat up and put my shirt down after my belly was cleaned. "That sounds good to us, right Natsu?" I asked him. He nodded in agreement. "Alright. That should be it. I'll be right back with the pictures before you two can head home."

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