I know I'm late for valentines day. Be happy it's during February
'So, here I am. Trapped between a rock and a hard place. This honestly not how I expected this to go. After explaining everything to 1-A, they proceeded to question me and Tsu, which was to be expected. The questions themselves weren't expected.
Most of the questions were from Toru and Mina, and they were about mine and Tsu's relationship. It was then that both me and the class realised that, despite being together for a good few weeks, I never had the time to actually take Tsu on a date. And that's where we are now. Trying to pick out an outfit for my upcoming date.
"You guys learn the identity of a famous ex vigilante who is also your teacher, you gain information on the multiverse that scientists would kill to have, and the first thing you do is set me up on a date."
Peter, Midorya, Kaminari, Iida and Todoroki were all in Peter's room, picking an outfit for his date. Peter was currently wearing a basic black tuxedo with a red tie and a white-collar shirt.
Kaminari answered, "Dude that can wait. There is nothing worse than keeping your lady waiting cause of your work."
"Kaminari is correct, Parker. You should be ashamed for keeping her waiting and lying to her and your friends for so long."
This hurt Peter a bit as he remembered how Miles and MJ reacted when they learnt his identity. Deciding to have a little fun with his status of authority, Peter said, "Remember Iida, if any of you go as far as to hint my identity to the public, I won't hesitate to expel you. And that isn't an empty threat like with Eraser."
This caused everyone to freeze. Just because Peter was your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man, that didn't mean he wouldn't live up to the title of Spider.
Peter looked over his tux and said, "I appreciate the help guys, but this tux is too fancy for me. I could use something simpler and a bit bluer.
And with those words, Venom started to change Peter's outfit. Gone was the fancy and expensive-looking tux. Instead, there was now a simple dark blue jacket and jeans.
"Dude that is awesome." Kaminari exclaimed, "Can I borrow that thing."
"Do you want to have the voice of Satan in your head, demanding and even forcing you to feed it human brains?"
"Didn't think so. Speaking of which, can someone pass me that chocolate bar, please?"
Todoroki grabbed the chocolate bar off Peter's desk and threw to him. Peter effortlessly caught the bar of chocolate and bit into it.
"Thanks, Zuko. Chocolate is a good brain substitute for Venom. Welp, I better get going. Also, someone get Izuku back into the real world."
All the guys turned to face Midoriya, who was on a mutter storm, something about Venom and a hero having a Villain quirk.
As Peter closed the door of his room, he pulled out his phone and said to it, "Hey Karen, call Flint, please."
After a few rings, Flint answered the phone. "Hey Spidey, how are you doing."
Peter smiled. Flint was always one of his more reasonable villains. He tried to keep damage to minimal since he didn't want to hurt any of the innocent bystanders. If their fights ever got out of hand, Flint was more then willing to drop everything and help. Peter was glad he was finally able to talk to the man as a friend.
"I'm doing alright Flint. Just getting ready for my date. Hows the beach?"
"Beach is great, Spidey. It's nice and calm here and nobody ever comes here. I'm glad you got a date, you deserve some happiness in your life."

Spider-man: An Illegal Hero
FanfictionThe multiverse is nothing new to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. 8 months into his hero carrier he had to team up with an army of Spider powered people. But their universes were some what similar to his own. But now he is stuck in a world wit...