The Light

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When people talk about a big light, they usually refer to near-death experiences, or when someone is dying, they are usually told to look away from the light.

Or when the universe was born. How there was a big bang followed by a big flash of light.

For Peter, it was neither. Peter Parker is a 16 year old who, at the age of 15, was given extraordinary powers. Peter was given the portion an at strength of a spider, being able to lift over ten tons, increased speed and agility, a 6th sense that warned him of nearby dangers, a healing factor, and the ability to stick to any surface.

Peter, at first, used these powers to gain money and fame. But after a tragedy that cost Peter his uncle's life, Peter decided that it was his responsibility to use his powers to save lives and protect his city.

Anyway back to the light. It just appeared. Peter was swinging through New York as Spider-man when suddenly his Spidey Sense went haywire.

"Wow?! What's going on? My Spidey Sense is going crazy, but I don't see anything."

Soon, all Peter could see was a bright light. "Oww. Somebody dim the light. Enchanted senses and all."

When Spider-man was able to see again, he realized he was falling 500 feet from the ground.
"Holy Crap!" he shouted. Looking below him he released that there is a huge city with tall buildings beneath. Using his experience of being knocked out of buildings, Spider-man shot a web from his web shooters so he doesn't end up as street pizza.

Swinging from his web line he sung up, did a triple summer salt and landed on a building.

"Ok, Spidey, no need to panic. You were just teleported to someplace you don't recognise. You just gotta connect to the local internet and figure out your location."

Calming his breathing Spidey ordered his suit's A.I, Karen, to connect to the Internet.
"Ok, Karen, can you tell me where we are?"

After a few seconds, Karen replies "I am afraid we are in an alternative universe. To make matters worse this universe is quite different from our own."

"Ok, how different?"

"Firstly no hero or villain from our universe exists here. There are no Avengers, no X-men, no Fantastic Four, and no Spider-man. 80% of the world also has a superpower called quirks. Quirks vary from small things like an extra arm to hero level powers. Heroics are a paid career. To do heroics you require a heroes license, which to gain, kids around your age go to special hero schools. Vigilantes are seen as bad as villains, no matter the good they do."

Spider-man was speechless. Just from that, he could tell this world had some major errors. Errors he would have to deal with in order to survive.

"Ok Karen, start working on a fake I.D, birth certificate, and passport for me to print later."
Luckily for Peter, he had his school backpack on him so he had some civilian clothes, a laptop, phone, charger for both and some food and water.

Peter also had his wallet and had just cashed his Bugle check so he had should have enough money to rent a small hotel room for a week or to two until could get a job here, which he hoped he wouldn't have to do.

"Hey Karen, how does currency work here?" Peter asked his A.I companion.
"It appears that currency works exactly the same as in our world."

Peter then remembers and asks Karen something important. "Hey, where exactly are we in this universe."

Karen takes a while to respond and then states "We are in Musutafu, Japan. Would you like me set the auto translator to Japanese?"

"Yes please, Karen."

Peter walked up to the edge of the roof he was on. He was had a whole 3 months to get home because of 1. It was summer vacation, 2. Aunt May has left for vacation and Peter had built an A.I to reply to her calls and texts as he would. And 3. his only real friends Mary Jane and Miles Morales already knew about his Spider-man gig so they would know if something was up.

Suddenly, Peter heard a nearby explosion. His hero instincts kicking in he jumped from the building, hiding his bag first, and swinging towards the explosion.

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