Peter walked outside the dorms, head low and hands in his pockets. He has been searching for the Red Web for a while and he needed a break.
While he usually went web swinging in order to clear his head, he already spent ours doing that and needed a break from that too.
Peter always felt like all the responsibility was on him. That he needs to do everything himself. Guess that's what happens when you combine a guilt complex with motto about responsibility.
As Peter turned the corner, he surprised to see Izuku doing what looked like training. The seemed to be doing what looked like spin kicks before looking at some note books and muttering to himself.
'Is this kid seriously looking at notebooks on how to do some kind of spin kick?'
Peter sighed to himself and walked towards Izuku. He called out, "Need someone to grade your kick, Izuku?"
The broccoli haired boy, not expecting somebody to suddenly call out to him, stumbled and almost full on his back. Fortunately, Peter was able to predict this and fired a line of webbing at Izuku, catching him before he hit the ground.
Peter pulled him up and said, "Stay aware of your surroundings. Don't keep your mind on one task."
"Right, sorry." Izuku apologised while brushing down his clothes.
Peter sighed and looked at the note books on the ground and yep. He was analysing the best way to do a simple round house.
"Aren't you over thinking this a little?" Peter asked.
"I'm asking if you are over thinking this a little?" Peter repeated.
He then elaborats by saying, "From what I'm seeing, you are using math, physics and complicated notes for a simple round house."
Izuku walked over to Peter and started to explain himself, "Well uh... you see Peter, this is ment to be an ultimate move for me. It's a..."
Peter cuts him of by saying, "Hold up. You're ultimate move, is a round house?"
Izuku is shocked by this question but before he could say anything, he noticed Venom begin to surround Peter. Now infront of Izuku stood the black suited Spider-man.
"Show me what you got. Show me that 'Ultimate Move' of yours."
"What? I'm not sure that's a good idea."
Peter sighed and said, "Izuku, you know what I'm capable of. I walked of explosions, fought aliens and held my own against gods. You having One for All doesn't mean anything."
Izuku stares at Peter in shock for a moment before shouting "Wait how did you..?"
"I figured out your secret. All Might confirmed everything after the Kamino Incident. Now give me you best shot."
Still recovering from the shock of having the secret behind his quirk. Izuku charged One for All at 5%. Green lightning danced over
Izuku's body as he prepared to demonstrate his upcoming Ultimate Move.Spidey streched a bit,not really bothered by what was coming. He knew what Izuku was capable of but even he knew that Izuku wouldn't stand a chance in a one on one fight between the two of them. At least not yet anyway.
Izuku jumped into the air and prepared to attack Peter with his Ultimate Move. Unfortunately for him, Peter saw his notes and knew his exact movements.
When Izuku was about to bring his foot down on him, Peter grabbed it and threw Izuku into the grass, careful as not to hurt him too much.
Izuku quickly got up and tried to come up with the way to attack. Izuku knew that a frontal assault would be pointless and there was no point trying to attack him from a blind spot as his Spidey Sense would. Perhaps he could... Where did Peter go?
Izuku was sure he was being careful, being sure to keep Peter in his line of sight, but now he was gone.
Before Izuku could question this any further, he felt a force pulling his legs back and into the air.
In less then a second, Izuku found himself hanging upside down from a tree branch, only being held up by a string of webs that Peter is holding back on the ground.
Peter was howling with laughter as he held Izuku in the air with just one hand. Izuku was understandably panicking as he was held upside.
Peter eventually lowered Izuku down onto the ground as the symbiote returned to its host's body. Peter then sprayed a chemical onto the webbing that caused it to dissolve instantly.
Peter offered his hand to Izuku who took it with a moment of hesitation.
"Not bad. Word of advice though, don't over think things. A frontal assault would've worked better if you that speed of yours. You spent soo much time strategizing that you didn't have enough time to react. Do understand?"
Izuku nodded and said, "Yeah, I think I understand."
Peter noded, and smiled, but not for the reason Izuku thought.
Peter's enhanced hearing recently picked up something rather interesting. On one of the higher floors, the Class 1-A girls were talking.
While Peter didn't like to use his enhanced hearing to listen in on other people's conversations, but this was to good not listen to.
From what he could hear, thevgirls just found out the Ochako was in love with someone. Something Peter figured out a long time ago.
Peter decided to help out the situation by giving Izuku the push in the right direction.
"So, what are your plans for after U.A?" Peter askee while leaning against the tree.
"What do you mean?"
Peter then elaborats by saying, "I know you are aiming to be All Might's successor or whatever, but is that all you want your life to be. To be nothing more then a symbol for society to become overly dependent on."
Izuku tried to answer, but he didn't know how. For so long all he could think about was becoming a hero and following in All Might's footsteps. But only realised now he didn't plan much else.
Peter continued speaking saying, "I love being Spider-man. I love going out there and saving lives, but there is more to my life then just that. The life of Peter Parker is just as important as Spider-man's. I have friends I make time for, my Aunt May, school. I also want to get a job in the field of science when I graduate. I even found love in Tsu. Didn't you think of any of that?"
Izuku shook his head and replied, "No not really."
Peter sighed and said, "There is someone that is really into you Izuku. I already told you who."
Peter stands up straight and begins walking back to his dorm as he calls back to Izuku, "Don't waste your life wearing thights. We're not cosplayers."

Spider-man: An Illegal Hero
FanfictionThe multiverse is nothing new to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. 8 months into his hero carrier he had to team up with an army of Spider powered people. But their universes were some what similar to his own. But now he is stuck in a world wit...