Underrated Crossovers and Plots

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I'm gonna name some crossovers and plots I find underrated or overused and want more people to make fanfictions for.

Spider-man x Avatar The Last Airbender
Imagine Spider-man in the world of Avater. It works better then you think. You could actually replicate his powers with Air Bending. Also I figured Toph x Peter Parker is a cute ship.

Spider-man x Star wars
Spider-man makes fun of Sidious and Vather. Nuff said

Spider-man x Daredevil
Their friendship is iconic. Why aren't there mor stories like this

Spider-man x Undertale
Spider-man and Sans would be best friends. Muffet would flirt with him non-stop (I don't ship them.)

Daredevil x Batman
Come on. It's not even a question

Spider-man x My Hero Academia
I mainly think there should be more vigilante Spider-man.

Swap Sans remembers Resets. And isn't a yandre

Chara is evil. She literally wanted to 'Erase this pointless world and move on to the next'

Spider-man joins Team Cap

Spider-man Replaced Oneshots
There are way too many where the Avengers are mind controled or Peter is kicked out in a hurtful way then everything is all dandy.

IronDad and Spiderson is over rated. Tony was a terrible mentor and father figure. The two had barely any bonding moments. So stop making Peter Tony's biological son.

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