Spider-man swings as fast as he can to the address Midorya sent him. It wasn't too far. He knew this was an emergency.
When he reached it, he saw Izuku fighting against the hero killer, Stain. He also saw what appeared to be a pro hero and Iida that seemed to be paralysed, yet conscious.
Spider-man knew that if he didn't do something soon his friend could get hurt. Jumping he shouts "Hey Deadpool, what's up?"
Stain turns to face Spider-man just to be kicked in the face and then sent into the air.
"Answer, you."
Spider-man then fires a strand of webbing that hits Stain and throws him at the wall.
Midorya looks at Spider-man in utter shock. He pointed at the hero who just possibly saved him and stammered "I-I-It's you. Y-Y-Y-ou're Spider-man."
Spidey looks at his friend and says "Sure is kid. Now get you friends out of here while I handle Mr. Staby stab stab."
Nodding Midorya starts pulling Iida and the pro hero out of the alley while Spidey turned to face Stain.
"So you're the Hero Killer. Well I'm Spider-man. I would say that it is very KNIFE to meet you, but that would be lie. And I don't lie. Unless it's for the greater good of the people."Stain looked at Spidey and said "So you're the vigilante everyone is talking about. You really did start the rise in vigilantism."
Spidey just shrugged and said "Look, man. I didn't really mean to do that. I just wanted everyone to see the true meaning of a hero."
Stain just smiled a dervish smile "I agree with you. This society has been corrupted by false heroes. They all forgot what the word 'hero' means. And the only way for them to see the truth is to rid society of these fakes is with a purge."
"Now I'm going to stop you right there. You can't just go around killing people. Yes they have down wrong but nothing punishable by death. I mean look at me. All it took was one video and now half of society agrees with us. Minus the purge part. That, I don't think anybody agrees with."
Izuku looked around the corner and into the alley way. He really wanted to see how this goes and update Spider-man's page in his notebook. Spider-man was overall very secretive and it wasn't easy to analyse his quirk with nothing but blurry videos to work with.
Suddenly Todoroki runs up to to Izuku and says "Midorya I got your message, what is go-mmh!"
Izuku has clapped his had against Todoroki's mouth and whispers "Shhh, look."
The two see Spider-man and Stain circling each other. Both were giving each other a stare. Stain spun his sword in his hand. Spider-man's eyes narrowed to look at the hero killer.
The two then stop walking at the same time and looked at each other. Spidey then quips "Alright, let's get this over with. I have a very SHARP schedule to uphold."
Suddenly faster then the speed of sound, Spider-man fires a web ball.The web ball barely misses Stain and instead hits the wall behind him. Stain looks at Spider-man and snarles "You missed, bug."
Spidey just shrugs and says "First of all, Spiders are arachnids. Second of all..."
A smal blue light beap in the web and Spidey finishes his sentence "... I never miss."Suddenly the web grenade in the webbing on the wall expodes and drags Stain into the wall, leaving him stuck. Stain struggled to get out of the web trap.
Stain struggled to get free of the the webbing. Spider-man just shrugs and says "Don't bother trying to break free. My webs are 3 times stronger then steel. I bet that even the all powerful All Might would struggle to break free."

Spider-man: An Illegal Hero
FanfictionThe multiverse is nothing new to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. 8 months into his hero carrier he had to team up with an army of Spider powered people. But their universes were some what similar to his own. But now he is stuck in a world wit...