Vigilante vs Villians

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When he arrived at the scene of the explosion he saw that it came from some kind of dome. It was quite large. Climbing on to the glass roof, Spider-man looks down and sees what looked like an army of villains fighting a handful of teenagers in hero costumes and an astronaut.

"Karen, what is going on down there?"

After a few seconds of waiting, Karen answers "It appears to be a villain attack. We are currently at the Unexpected Simulation Joint or USJ. Class 1-A of the Hero course at the local hero school, U.A, were meant to go here for training but it appears that villains have attacked."

Looking down, Peter sees a kid that appears to have mortars in his legs run out, hopefully for back up. Spidey thinks to himself "If I don't do something soon these kids could hurt."

Seeing as there was no proper entry point, Spidey figured it would be best and quickest to break through the glass. So Spider-man jumps high in the air, shoots two strands of webbing, and using all his might, pulls himself down, smashing on the glass.

He lands the middle of the entrance hall where the main battle appeared to be. Everybody stops fighting to look at the new opponent that has entered the fight. Still, in his signature landing pose, the hero asks "So will all of you villains just stand there or will I get to beat you all up."

The first to attack was a villain that was as large as the Thing. He charged at Spider-man trying to punch the arachnid. But Spidey jumps over said villain and shoots a web line at his foe. While still in the air, pulls him up and throws him at a group of villains knocking a handful unconscious in barely half a minute.

Seeing this new challenger as a dangerous foe, the villain Kurogiri, who had just dealt with Thirteen, opens a portal under the arachnid to try and get rid of him. But Spidey jumps into the air before the portal could even begin to manifest. Turning to face the villain made up of purple gas, Spider-man fires a line of web, missing the villain.

"You need to work on your aim, hero." Kurogiri states.
Landing on the ground Spider-man says, "If only I got a dollar for every time somebody said that."

Before Kurogiri could ask what Spider-man meant by that, said hero pulls on the web, pulling a boulder the web was attached to. The impact of the boulder hitting Kurogiri's sold part knocks the villain to ground.

Now all the villains were charging at the vigilante. Seeing as he was surrounded with not a lot of ways to web swing, Spider-man pulls a move he calls 'Web Blossom'. Jumping 10 feet in the air Spider-man spins in the air multiple times before landing, all while fairing multiple web projectiles. While the attack uses up a lot of his web fluid, it managed to bind almost every villain to the ground.

After dealing with the ones that didn't get caught Spider-man turns to face the man covered in hands who appeared to be the leader and the giant mutant bird creature whose brains appeared to be sticking out.
"Alright, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way," Spider-man asks sarcastically while walking down the stairs where too were located.

The hand covered leader looks at the bird creature and says "Nomu, destroy that bug."

Nomu roared as it ran towards Spidey faster then he expected. Jumping over the creature Spider-man shouts "Spiders are arachnids. Get it right already!"

Landing on the ground, Spider-man tries to punch the creature's gut, but Nomu barely reacts.
"Foolish insect. Nomu has a shock an absorption quirk. One of the many feats this creation will need to destroy All Might."

Nomu tries to backhand Spider-man but he does a limbo to avoid it. Using a bit more force this time, Spider-man jumps and uppercuts Nomu, causing the creature to stagger back. Firing two lines of webbing next to the creature, Spider-man pulls with the full force of his strength, kicking Nomu into the ground, creating a huge crater.

Spider-man jumps of the creature and starts to web him to the ground.
"Karen! I need you to scan this thing, I don't know if it is sentient or artificial and I don't want to risk killing a human."

Nomu breaks free from the binds and changes the hero. Any fighting that was happening now stopped. Everybody was now staring at the fight between the bird and the spider. Spider-man's superior speed allowed him to dodge most of Nomu's attacks. But Nomu still managed to give Spidey a few solid hits.

Spider-man kicked the Nomu across the face. Spider-man wasn't used to using this much of his strength in a fight and it really tiring him.

Spider-man backflipped to put some ground between him and Nomu.

"I'll admit Bird Brain. Your pretty though."
Raising his fists into a fighting stance he adds "But that just means I'll go down without a fight."

He charges at the Nomu again, attacking it from many angles. Webbing it as much as possible to slow it down as much as possible as well.

Spider-man began to think he was gonna lose this fight when Karen gave him an update.
"This Nomu creature appears to be an artificial creation. No normal human could withstand the power this creature contains. Also, Nomu in Japanese is written as 'No-Brain'. This could mean it isn't even sentient. Just a biological weapon pre-programmed to take orders like an enslaved A.I."

"Thanks, Karen"

Taking in this new knowledge, Spider-man came up with a plan. His suit was now heavily beaten and destroyed. One of his lenses was destroyed exposing his eye. But the suit was still functional enough to do the plan.

Jumping into the air Spider-man fires two lines of webbing hitting the Nomu's exposed brain. He then shouts "ACTIVATE TASER WEBS, FULL POWER."

Giant surges of electricity flowed through Spider-man's webs. The high voltage causing the Nomu to scream. Landing on the ground Spidey continues the assault. Large sparks of electricity flashing across the plaza, blinding everybody in the area.

Nomu let's out one last hideous screech before falling onto the ground. Spider-man ends the assault. The suit was running low on power anyway. Breathing heavily, Spider-man looks around for the villain leader. Only to see him disappear into one of the portal villain's portals.

Looking around he concludes that his work is done and that he was in the clear to leave. Climbing up the stairs so he can get to the roof easier.

Firing a line of webbing towards the broken window. Before he can leave though a girl with brown hair and a round face runs up to him and asks "Thank you for saving us, but who are you?"

Spider-man looks at her and answers cheerfully "Just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. Also, that bird thing wasn't human with some mutant bird power. It was an artificial biological weapon."

And at that Spider-man swings out of the building just as the pro heroes arrive.

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