Rescue Mission Pt2

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Spider-man created an axe with Venom and chopped of the heads of three Nomu. He then grabbed one of the head less Nomu and threw it at 5 others that were running towards him.

"I never had to fight so violently like this!" Spidey says aloud as he then stabs 4 Nomu through the head with Venom.


Spider-man and All Might turn to look towards the sound to see the same black liquid come out from Bakugo's mouth and started to surround him.

Realising what was going to happen, both Spider-man and All Might jump towards Bakugo before it is too late.

Before Bakugo is taken to who knows where, he cries out, "The hell is this... It smells!"

Both Spider-man and All Might scream "Noo!"

All Might thinks 'It couldn't be...'

Kamui Woods is still holding the villians binded with his wood arms.

He turns his head towards the hole he and the other heroes burst through. He cries out "Endeavour, we need backu...!"

Endeavour and all the police officers that were at the ground were all busy fighting of Nomu.

Endeavour cries out with fire in his voice "Tsukauchi! Expand the evacuation zone!"

The detective cries intobhis Walkie Talkie "The findings from our investigations were that there were two hideouts. Jeanist... weren't you able to take control of the location over there!?"

No response


Grand Torino speaks to All Might "Toshinori, these guys are.."

"Warping Ability..." All Might breaks in "...they shouldn't have that option! Their reaction was too fast!"

3 minutes earlier at Nomu ware house

The Bakugo rescue squad, which consisted of Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, were squished in a narrow gap between the warehouse the Yaoyorozu's tracker was pointing towards and another building.

Midoriya, using Kirishima's night vision goggles has figured out they weren't at the League of Villains base but rather the place where they make and store Nomu.

Just then, a large crash from  the front of the warehouse knocks Midoriya and Kirishima of Momo and Iida which thin knocks the whole group down as the gap wasn't very spacious.

The cause of the crash was Mt. Lady, who kicked a truck into the warehouse, blowing a large hole for her and the other heroes to easily enter the warehouse. 

Midoriya groaned in pain as Iida questioned what happened out loud.

Kirishima and Yaoyorozu look over the edge to see what was going on.

Kirishima describes the scene to the others "Mt. Lady, Gang The Orca, even No. 4 Hero, Best Jeanist..."

Yaoyorozu breaks in and says "Mr. Tiger is there too."

With the Pros and Police force, they are gathering up all the Nomu. Mt. Lady grabs hand full of Nomu (she's a giant so she can hold a lot.).

She speaks to her team "Oh wowwwww~, these things are actually alive? Does having this easy this easy of a job sit well with you, Jeanist? Shouldn't we have gone with All Might?"

Jeanist is gathering up Nomu with his clothe fibers and he replies to Mt. Lady saying "Let's not conflate the degree of difficulty of what we're doing with its importance, Rookie. Riot Squad, come and hold position, there might still be more of them around here. We're counting on you."

Tiger notices something in the ruble and runs over to find his missing teammate, Ragdoll. Her eyes were pale and open, yet she was unconscious.

Tiger grabbed her in his arms and started shaking her to try and get her wake up.
"Ragdoll say something!" Tiger screamed worryingly at his unconscious teammate.

Gang the Orca waked up to him and tried to reassure him "Is she your teammate? She's breathing! Thank goodness."

Tiger is comforted by this, he says "But... something about her is off. What did they do to you... Ragdoll?!!"

Back with the Bakugo Rescue Squad, Iida states doing robo arm chops, "The heroes were making their move long before we were!"

All Kirishima can say is "Amazing!"

Iida continues "Well, let's get out of here. There's nothing for us to do here."

Midoriya repeats what Mt. Lady said to himself " 'Gone with All Might...' Is he where Kachan is..."

Yaoyorozu releases what Midoriya is thinking and says "If All Might is there, all the more reason for us to rest easy! Come on, let's get going!"

Suddenly, from the shadows of the warehouse, a mysterious figure speaks "I'm sorry Tiger. I thought she had a useful quirk long ago. Since the opportunity fell into my lap, I decided to take it."

Despite his calm and soothing voice, it was clear to the heroes that the man had little to no regret on whatever he has done.

Gang the Orca raises his hand to signal the mysterious figure to stop, "Stop right there! Don't move!"

This catches the attention of Bakugo Rescue Squad as they stop to see what was going on.

Orca looks at Tiger and says "Another member of the League, huh."

Tiger shouts to the others "Someone shine some light!"

The figure continues to speak "Ever since my body becamenlike this, my stock has fallen quite a bit."

The figure takes a step out of the shaddows, and that is when Jeanist reacts, using his quirk to incapacitate the figure with their own clothe fibers.

Mt. Lady panics and looks at Jeanist and states in a panicked tone, "Ho-hold on Jeanist! If that's a civilian..."

Best Jeanist quickly explains to Mt. Lady, saying "Think about the situation! A moment of hesitation could decide everything! Don't let the villain do anything!"

The villain doesn't seem to be fazed by being trapped by his own cothes and continues speaking "Just when Tomura was starting to think for himself and beginning to lead others by himself. If possible, I'd like for you  all to stop interfering."

The very presence of this figure made the Rescue Squad feel sick. They weren't able to move. It made them see death itself.

Midoriya starts to panic internally 'He just mentioned Tomura... that's Shigaraki! What... No way... All Might... could that mean that that is... that is All for One!"

All for One speaks "Well then... let's get it over with."

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