The Dorms

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Today was the day that the students at U.A moved into their new dorms. Due to the constant villain attacks, the school decided it would be safest if the students stayed at the school grounds.

Despite U.A's decision to become a boarding school was based on pure safety reasons, the student couldn't help feel excited.

Spider-man and Eraserhead were outside the dormitory to introduce Class 1-A to their new homes.

Spidey spoke to the students first, "Ok students, I think we all know why we are here. Due to the recent villain attacks, U.A has decided that the safest option would be to shove a bunch of teenagers into dormitories where they will live together for the rest of their time here. I see no reason why this wouldn't end with the school burning down."

This got the class laughing. Aizawa grumbled to himself, something about it being more likely then he would like it to be.

Aizawa took over and began saying, "The plan was originally for you all to gain your provisional hero licences after the training camp. As we all know that didn't happen. So why were some of you acting like it did?"

The Bakugo rescue squad, Bakugo included, shifted uncomfortably. They figured they would get in trouble for their actions.

Aizawa then sighed and continued, "But since none of you broke any actual laws, you won't be expelled or anything like that, but that doesn't give anybody the right to reward you for your actions with a good grade!"

The class and Spidey all snickered. "Come on Eraser. Going against authority figures for the greater good is a sign of a true hero."

Aizawa just looked at Spidey, activating his quirk to seem more intimidating. "I always wonder why Nezu hired a teenager with no experience in teaching to work here."

Spidey wasn't intimidated. "Not sure. Something about me being of assistance in taking down the League and fixing your society."

Aizawa sighed, clearly too tired for this argument and said, "I'll leave you to explain everything to the class. I'm going to go take a nap."

And with that, Aizawa left Spidey with the class.

"Well, this is awkward. Can't believe that the guy ditched me."

The class looking at Spidey confused. Why did Aizawa leave them with him?

Spidey sighed said, "Best if I start explaining your current living situation. Ok so... as you are aware, you'll be staying here for the rest of your time at school. The Ground floor is the common area. This is where you'll spend most of your time here. This is where the living room, kitchen, bathrooms and dining area are located. The rest of the higher floors are where your sleeping quarters are. All of your rooms have already been assigned. Boys on one half and girls on the other. Nobody better get any ideas cause I will know. I think that's all."

The class simply blinked at Peter. How he said that in one breath, they didn't know.

"Well, what are you waiting for? All your stuff is in there waiting for you. Go unpack and relax. We have a lot of stuff to get done tomorrow."

Spidey stepped away from the entrance, allowing the class to enter.

After a moment of silence, the entire class started to walk towards the entrance


In less than a second, Web mine fired off from the canopy over the door, pulling two of the students up.

Izuku Midorya and Ochako Uraraka were now suspended mid-air, upside in a cocoon, their faces blushing and literally inches apart.

The class stared for a moment in shock, before turning to face Spider-man, who looked like he was trying to hold in a laugh. He walked back to the front of the class.

He took off his mask and said, "My name is Peter Parker, and I'm your roommate/bodyguard. Welcome to Heights Alliance...

Tsu was thinking 'don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, please don't say it!'

"... hope you survive the experience."

'He said it.'


Peter was in his dorm room working on the Web Watch. He was in full uniform minus the mask. From what his enchanted senses could pick up, the class was having some sort of room competition.

He laughs to himself, "Good thing I didn't enter this little competition, cause the other's wouldn't have stood a chance."

It was at that moment that his door slammed open. Peter dropped his screwdriver in surprise. His ears wrung for a moment (as useful as enchanted hearing was, it sure was annoying at times, and Venom didn't help the situation).

Peter turned his chair towards the doorway. From what he could tell, the entire class was in the hallway, staring at him and at his room. Which was fair enough.

Peter's room was twice as large as the average dorm. Ine of the room looked like your average teenager room. It had a bed, closet, shelfs filled to the brim with manga's and science books. The walls were also covered with posters of different movies and animes and photos of heroes most of the class never saw before.

The other half of the bedroom looked nothing like the first. It was like a full on lab. A long white desk over flowing with notes and equipment. There were a bunch of chemicals on shelves the Momo noticed were in specific amounts and they were certain types.

Outstood out the most in the room was the annoyed, recently unmasked teenager the was staring at them with an angry glare. "Didn't any body teach you guys how to knock?"


That's all he got in reply.

"Ok, I know that line is very common, but seriously. Don't slam open the door of a guy with enhanced hearing and a symbiote that is sensitive to sound."

More silence

"Ok. There are two possibilities as to why you all are suddenly ao quite. 1. You were stunned into silence by how majestic my room is, or option 2, the more likely one, you guys just want answers."

The class' invisible girl spoke up and said, "It's both!"

"Glad somebody is making an effort to communicate. Let's go downstairs to talk. You might want to sit down and a cramped hallway isn't the best place."

One explanation later

"And now we are here. Any questions?"

Peter had just explained everything to the class. The multiverse, his origin, his world, and what he has been up to in their world.

If he was being honested, Peter hoped this would be the last time he had to explain all this to someone in a long while.

Peter and the class sat across from each other in silence for a few more seconds. The silence was honestly kind of nerve racking for Peter. He could easily tell what the class was thinking just through listening to their heart beats.

Tsu was obviously nervous. She didn't know how the class would react to any of the news. They would also be questioning her part in Peter's life, after all she was his girlfriend.

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu were obviously trying to figure out the physics of Peter's situation. Well, Yaoyorozu was, Midoriya was trying to come to terms with there being a quirkless society filled with heroes.

Bakugo, well. The time bomb was about to explode in 3,2,1...


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