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After dealing with bank robbers. Spider-man was helping all the hostages out of the building. One of the robbers had some kind of heat quirk and it caused ablaze. Spider-man barely managed to beat the villain. Some of the civilians got burnt by the fire by Spidey managed to get them out but the robbers managed to getaway.

Spidey was currently sitting on the rooftop watching the action below him. He could see firefighters, news reporters, police officers and a few pro heroes.

"Ugghhh!! Now everybody will probably think I'm a menace all because those other heroes didn't try help all because they didn't have the 'right quirk. Ugh!!

"Guess I'll just have to go home and fix this suit up. Don't want the pros to find me. They'll most likely use this accident as more reason to arrest me."

Spider-man jumped off the building a swung away from the bank. As he was swinging Karen informed him that he had an incoming call from a number contact called Tsuyu Asui.

"Answer it, Karen. Thank you"

"Hey Peter, how are you?"

"Tsuyu. Hey, I'm good. Just heading home now. So why are you calling?"

"Ribbit! I-I-I called to see where you were. You just left out of nowhere."

Peter smiled behind the mask and answered "You sound quite worried considering we just met."

At the other end of the line, Tsuyu is seen blushing ever so slightly.

Back to Peter, his Spidey sense starts to go nuts. In his head he thinks "Crap, my sense is going absolutely nuts."

"Hey Tsu. I gotta end this call now, bye."

Just as he ends the call his Spidey Sense warns him that an attack was coming from his lift. Mid swing, Spidey pulls himself up dodging what appeared to be a bunch of wooden branches heading towards him.

Spidey land on the side of a glass building and stares at the source of the attack. On the roof of the building shorter then the one he was currently stuck to was a hero with a surprisingly scary mask made of wood.

Spidey narrowed his eyes/lenses and looked at his opponent. "Karen, anything you can tell me about this guy."

"Kamui Woods. He is a pro hero with a quirk that allows him to stretch his wooden body parts. His weakness is obviously fire. Would you like me to initiate thermo webs."

Spidey whispers to his A.I "Hold that thought." He then looks at the hero and says loud enough for him to hear. "So what gives me the pleasure of being attacked by you, Kamui"

Kamui woods answered, "Spider-man for your crimes as a vigilante, un-registered quirk use and property damage, you are under arrest."

Spider-man straightened his position so it would be easier to dodge. His eye lenses narrowed and said "Oh really. Listen here toothpicks, I don't care if the law says what I'm doing is wrong. While you 'pro' heroes are practically only doing for the fame and money aren't you. Well sorry, buddy but I'm not one to be corrupted by the government's laws."

Kamui simply looked at Spidey unfazed and created a large wooden weapon and said "Surrender now Spider-man and you might be let go with a warning."

Spider-man narrowed his lenses and said "Sorry Toothpick but that's not how I do it."

Spider-man then jumped off the building he was on, allowing himself to free fall for a while. He then did a 180° turn shot two lines of webbing at the building he was on then launched himself up using the webs as a slingshot shot.

He flew straight up feet first. He was like a human bullet. He ended up narrowly missing Kamui by just an inch. Spider-man then landed behind Kamui and before the pro could react, Spidey started firing multiple layers of webbing to contain Kamui long enough for him to escape.

But Kamui Woods expanded his wooden body parts in sharp shapes cutting through the webs. He then charged at Spidey, expanded his wooden arms to try and squash the vigilante.

But Spidey jumped to right avoiding the attack and in that exact moment slingshot himself to kick Kamui.

Kamui flew back a few feet, tumbling across the roof. When he stopped and stood up he barely had enough time to make a shield to dodge Spider-man's other kick but he just smashed through it and knocked Kamui of the roof with him.

As the two heroes fell to the ground Spidey, being the nerd that he really is started doing math, "Ok so I'm falling off a 10 story building If I were to estimate the size of each story, it would have to be around 3 meters. This would make the building 30 meters tall. That gives me only a few seconds to catch Kamui and shoot a web at a building before getting too close to the ground. Thank god my Spidey sense slows time including me."

Spider-man fires a line of webbing at Kamui Woods and at the same time fires one at a nearby building with his other hand. He pulls himself and the wood hero towards the building, with Kamui just missing the street.

They both land safely on the building. Spidey orders Karen to check Kamui's vitals. "He is in stable condition, when he wakes up he will just be a bit sore," Karen informs him.

"Oh thank God."

Spidey walks up to the edge of the roof when suddenly his Spidey sense rings. He jumps off the ledge just as a giant fist smashes down on where he was a moment ago.

Spider-man looks up and Karen informs him of his new opponent. "Pro hero MT.Lady. She is able to increase her size at will."

Spidey whispers "Thanks Karen" and then looks at his new challenger and jokes "Come on do you know how hard it is going to be for the damage control repair that. And they say us vigilantes are reckless."

MT. Lady smiles and the vigilante and says "You seem like a sweet boy. If you surrender now, we might be able to find you a place where you learn to be an officially licenced hero."

Spidey chuckles and replies "And give up my secret identity. Sorry me lady but heroes wear masks for a reason."
Spidey then fires a web net large enough to blind Mt.Lady.

She falls back trying to rip it off. She tries to catch herself by grabbing a building, but it causes the rubble to fall down with her. Jumping straight into action Spidey starts to swing through the rain of rubble. Swing through the chaos attach the rubble with each other and the neighbouring buildings. Also making a net and tying up MT. Lady.

The people below all stopped whatever they were doing and stared upon awe. They couldn't believe that Spider-man, a vigilante, not only managed to defeat the two pros but also managed to catch all the falling rubble thus saving the lives of all the people in the street below.

All the news stations talked about the incident. All asking the same questions 'Who was Spider-man?' and 'Is he really just a common vigilante?'

Spider-man: An Illegal HeroWhere stories live. Discover now