Class 1-A was currently in Gym Gamma learning Ultimate Moves. Peter wanted to be there, to teach them how stupid it was to shout out your attack names at the top of your lungs, but now was not the time.
Peter was currently in his room, multiple news papers on the walls and holograms surrounding him. The Red Web was a danger to the people and his responsibility to take care of.
The Web Watch was currently 76% of the way to completion. All Peter had to do was make a powere source, insert it, and then do some test runs before returning home, but he still had work to do.
"Hey, Karen! How is the algorithm to finding the Red Web's base of operations coming along?"
The A.I called out from a speaker, "I'm working on it but it is far from finished. I have currently located 1,284 possible locations for their base."
"Good work. Think you can try and narrow it down a bit further? We don't have the time to check over a thousand places."
"I'm on it Peter."
"Thanks Karen."
That was when Venom decided to show himself. He cane out of Peter's shoulder as the usual head on a tendrial on Peter's shoulder.
"So, who do you think is the leader of the cult?"
Peter sighed, eyes not leaving his work as he said to the symbiote, "Can't you like... read my mind and see what my theories are?"
"I didn't want your coded secretary to feel unwanted."
"Excuse me, WHAT?!?!" Karen screamed, more rage in her voice then what an A.I should have.
Venom answered saying, "What? Recently Parker hasn't been talking to you as often as before and I didn't want you to become the next Ultron."
"I'm sorry. Just because I am an Artificial Intelligence, it doesn't mean I am going to become a real life SkyNet."
"Neither was Ultron. And look what happened. So I want to prevent the worse."
The two continued to bicker with each other when Peter screamed, "Alright ENOUGH!!"
This was enough to shut both of them up. Venom even felt some damage from the sound.
Peter sighed and said, "I'm in a lot of stress right now and I don't need the parasite in my body arguing with my A.I. So both of you calm it down before I do something we'll all regret.
"Thank you." Peter then mutters to himself, "You are so lucky we aren't in anime or all the fans would be shipping you two."
Peter sat down on his chair, groaning. He was tired, he was irritated and most importantly anxious.
Why was he anxious? A lot of things. His Aunt and friends were probably worried sick about him back in his universe. He had to take down a cult that worshipped him and killed in his name. He also had to find Doc Ock on top of building a inter-dimensional transportation device and teaching a class just a year younger then himself.
So yes, Peter had a ton of reasons to feel the way he did.
He sighed and said, "Karen, please play 'Sunflower'. I'm gonna work on the Web Watch.
The Next Morning
Class 1-A were all getting up the next morning. They were heading down to the kitchen to have breakfast, when suddenly, they were attacked by the most delicious smelling smell they ever smelt.
"What's that delicious smell?" Kaminari asked, already licking his lips.
"Breakfast." a tired voice answered from the kitchen.
Everyone in the class turned to the kitchen to see the most mouth watering American breakfast they have ever seen, but also a very tired looking Peter Parker.
"Dig in." he said. "You will need the energy for your Ultimate moves. Yawn."
"Dude," Kaminari exclaimed, "How much sleep did get last night."
"Didn't sleep." Peter answered tirely as he started to pour himself some coffee. "Spent all of last night tracking down the Red Web."
"You man the group of idiots running around with your name?" Bakugo growled as he started to scard down a plate if Wheat Cakes. While he wouldn't say it out loud, Bakugo had a deep respect for Spider-man. Both for his incredible strength, and his cooking.
Peter nods, chugs his entire coffee in one gulp and answers, "They're like the League of Villains but without strings. They are a cult, that believe to be fighting for my cause, and it's my responsibility to take them down."
Tsuyu walked to Peter and asked, "Are you sure you can do this. You are juggling hunting a cult, crime fighting, being a teacher and building and intermissional device."
Peter smiled at her and said, "Don't worry Princess. This isn't the worst health I've been in. I'll live."
Meanwhile, at the base of the Red Web
Two members of the Red Web walked down the halls of their lair. The Web decided to set up their base of operations at an abandoned hotel. They were currently walking towards the door that would lead them to the penthouse, which was where their leader stayed.
Their leader was a peculiar fellow. He somehow found them and immediately asserted his dominance by taking them all down. The lower floors still had the retained the damage from the fire the battle caused.
When the two members entered the penthouse, they saw their leader staring down at the city from his city. He wore a similar out fit to the rest of the cult, but wore a black combat jacket and some padding for protection. He still had the same Spider accents on his outfit but they were a dark blue instead of red.
The two members kneeled and one of them said, "Great Leader, we just word that Spider-man is trying to track us down."
The other member then said, "Our Saviour really has fallen from grace."
The leader just laughed and said, "I told you fools Spider-man didn't have the guts you do. His code prevents him from taking the leap you have, and allowed him to be tricked into working for these false heroes."
The leader stayed silent for a moment before saying, "How is our 'guest' doing?"
One of the members bowed and said, "He is as resilient as always. Refuses to co-operate despite us sharing a common enemy."
Leader just chuckled to himself and said, "That's alright. He will learn to brighten up to our cause."
"What do we do about Spider-man, sir?"
The leader thought for a moment before saying, "Let him come. Me and my friends still have score to settle with the bug."

Spider-man: An Illegal Hero
FanfictionThe multiverse is nothing new to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. 8 months into his hero carrier he had to team up with an army of Spider powered people. But their universes were some what similar to his own. But now he is stuck in a world wit...