It has been a little over a week since the attack on Hosu. Once again Spider-man was gaining a lot of attention. Not only was he the one to finally take down Stain but also because of how similar their views on the hero society were, people found it quite interesting to talk about.
Spider-man has already returned to Musutafu and was just swinging about when suddenly, his Spidey Sense hums. It wasn't a 'Run' signal but rather a 'Keep Your Guard Up, This Guy Is Though' kind of hum.
Spidey stops swinging and lands on a tall apartment.
Suddenly figure almost as large and muscular as the Hulk landed behind Spidey. Spider-man turned around to face the newcomer and when he saw who it was he had an eternal panic attack. 'Crap, that's All Might. Japan's number one hero. I can't take him. Sure I took down the Hulk and the Juggernaut, but that was thanks to my superior speed. This guy is really going to give me a run for my money.'
All Might walked up to the arachnid hero with his usual smile, but both heroes were on their best guard. Both knew that the other was extremely dangerous. All Might because of his incredible strength. Spidey because of his powers fitting for various situations and for being extremely unpredictable.
The two heroes walked towards each other, both showing the other neutral respect. All Might was the first to talk. "Young Spider-man, I was sent here to take you to U.A so we can-."
Before All Might could finish, Spider-man interrupts him "To do what, interrogate me. Well sorry All Might, but I don't care if you're the No.1 pro hero of Japan, world or the universe. I ain't going. Even if it means you and I will have to rumble, I don't care."
All Might's smile lowered ever so slightly. Spider-man's voice showed that he was clearly being serious. The way his eye lenses narrowed showed this. In his head, All Might thought 'Wow those eye lenses can really send a chill down your spine.'
This was true. Spider-man rarely used a serious tone, but whenever he did for whatever reason, it was terrifying. Even got a little scared when he used that tone on a villain that kidnapped his aunt.
All Might quickly broke free of his trance, and started to talk "Spider-man, I assure you it isn't what you think."
Spidey just raised his hand to stop All Might continuing. "No, I don't want to hear it."
All Might tried to walk towards Spidey and get him to listen but found that he wasn't able to move his feet. He looked down to see a white, sticky substance covering his feet.
He looked back at Spider-man with a shocked expression. Spider-man was clearly smirking under his mask. Spidey answered All Might's unasked question by simply saying with a snicker " Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands."
Spider-man then backflipped of the building, leaving awestruck All Might thinking to himself 'This guy is greater then anyone could have expected.'
After a bit of struggling, All Might finally breaks free of the webs. The webbing was a lot stronger then All Might could have expected. He then started running after Spider-man.
Spider-man was swinging as fast as he could. Fighting All Might would be too big of a risk. While Spidey did many impressive things like holding his own against the Hulk, holding a ferry together, and dodging attacks from Quicksilver, he couldn't face All Might.
The chances of him beating All Might were slim. Even if he did beat him, he would gain the exact same thing as he would from running, all be it with some very painful injuries.
"Missouri Smash!"
All Might cuts the web that Spider-man was holding onto mid-swing with a quick hand chop. Spidey falls down a few feet before firings two strands of webbing. One to catch himself and continue swinging, and the other one as a means to blind the pro hero.

Spider-man: An Illegal Hero
FanfictionThe multiverse is nothing new to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. 8 months into his hero carrier he had to team up with an army of Spider powered people. But their universes were some what similar to his own. But now he is stuck in a world wit...