The Symbiote Arc Part 7: All Venom All Carnage

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Spider-man dodged a red tail going his way, but was then almost electrocuted by black electricity. Fortunately, he was able to jump out of the way. Unfortunately, he jumped right in front of Rhino who grabbed him and smashed him into the ground.

Both Spidey and Venom let out a grunt of pain, but it wasn't over yet. Scorpion grabs him and throws Spidey of the roof. Spidey tries to catch himself with webs, Kraven jumps on him, pressing him towards the ground.

The two skidder into the road. Spider-man feeling the road crumble under their pressure. Kraven stood over the symbiote enhanced spider.

Kraven used his symbiote to morph his arm into a sharp blade. Before they pierced Spider-man through the chest with said blade, they fissed "The hunt, is finally, over."

But before the Kraven could kill Spider-man, a shout sounded through the air. "DETROIT SMASH!!"

All Might's fist connected with Kraven's face, sending the symbiote enchanted hunter across the street.

All Might reached his hand out to Spidey. "Are you alright, Young Spider-man?"

Spidey took All Might's hand and said "We're -- I'm fine."

All Might heard snapping sounds coming from Spider-man as he twitched here and there. All Might felt unsure cause of this, so he asked to clarify. "Are you sure?"

Spider-man nods and says "Yep, just a few broken bones and dislocated limbs. Nothing my already accelerated healing and Venom can't fix.

"Okay, if you say so." All Might said.

Suddenly, the two heroes are surrounded by the Chaotic Four. All of their tongues were dancing out of control, as their saliva drip out of their mouths, they looked like they have just entered a 5-star restaurant.

Spider-man doesn't hesitate. "You take on Rhino and Scorpion, I'll handle Kraven and Electro."

"Okay. Which is which?" All Might asks, generally confused.

Suddenly, as if to answer his question, Rhino tackles All Might into a building and Scorpion follows them. Spidey shouts "Those two!"

Electro fired black electricity which he dodged by doing a flip to the side. Spidey ran towards Electro and jumped up towards him. The sheer amount of force Spider-man put in his jump alone was enough to crack the concrete road. Spidey jumped to the same altitude as Electro. He punched Electro so hard that he was sent several feet down the road.

Kraven tried to stab Spider-man when he landed, but he just leaned to the side and punched them across the face.

Meanwhile, with All Might and the other half of the Chaotic Four.

Rhino smashed All Might into a wall the building. It was a simple coffee shop. Or was
a coffee shop. Now it was covered in rubbles and would take a long while to clean up.

The alien enhanced Rhino screamed or rather shrieked at All Might. It's extensively large tongue danced in the open air as its saliva flew onto the number 1 hero's face.

All Might turned his face to the side disgusted this and trying to shield his face from the spit.

He muttered "Disgusting." before he punched the Rhino.

Rhino flew out of the store and onto the open street. The symbiote was just barely able to reattach itself to its host.

Scorpion jumped from a table at All Might, trying to stab its stinger into him. The Symbol of peace was just barely able to avoid the stinger.
"It's time for you to surrender, villain." his signature grin still plastered on his face. He grabbed the Scorpions tail and threw them into Rhino, who has just now gotten up.

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