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"Do you believe in Soulmate?"

You sat there not knowing what to say, he didn't say anything but waiting for your answer.

Ten seconds had passed since he asked his question which he still hasn't said anything about.

Things began to get awkward.

"Sorry for asking such a question." He glanced to his Gameboy again. "I'm just kinda inquisitive."

You proceed to play with his hair while he struggles with his Gameboy. You eventually replied to his question.

"For the question that you asked just now, I don't actually believe in it, but sometimes I do." you smiled.

"How?" Kenma bucked up at you, confused.

"When I observe couples on the street, I notice how sweet they are when they're holding hands, caring for each other, and feeding each other ice cream. It appears as if they were made for each other. Isn't it adorable when they do that?"

"What makes you believe in soulmates if you don't believe in soulmates?" He was adamant.
You frowned as you looked at him.

"It doesn't call a soulmate when they break up, do they?"
"Oh. Yeah, you're right."

"I sincerely hope that someday I will be able to find a soulmate who will never leave me." You giggled. " But, you know, no one is perfect."
"I've met some perfect peoples in my life." He smiled.
"That's fantastic . I've never met one before." You laughed about it.

He began to nod off, slowly closing his eyes and slipping into your lap. He groaned as he flipped over.

You whispered with a grin on your face as you stared at Kenma.

"Soulmates huh? I used to think it was something that only happened in fairy tales, but after seeing those adorable couples lingering, I began to believe in it, as long as they didn't flatten their wings and fly away distant from each other." To prevent waking Kenma up, you whispered. "It hurts when you realise you're not as important to anyone as you thought."

You tucked his hair behind his ears and watched him drift off.

Dozing, his head tilted to the side with one hand on his stomach, and the other at the side, gripping the Gameboy.

"Do you know?" You mumbled. "Your eyes' colour is so gorgeous. Like the way honey slowly drips out of the container, smooth and slow, yet captivating."

"I wish I could watch them twinkle with you."

You fell asleep with Kenma laying on your lap.


"Stay" Kenma x reader ( tw: self harm, accidents)Where stories live. Discover now