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*Celeste's point of view*

When I wake up, I am not in my bedroom.

"Am I alive?" I ask out loud, then I see them. My parents are laying next to me looking up at the stars. Is this really happening?

My mom says, "Wake up Celeste, you can fight this. Use your powers."

"Mom? Where am I?"

She says, "Hunny, we don't have a lot of time. You were bitten by a vampire."

"I don't want to leave you and dad. I miss you guys so much."

"Use your powers to heal yourself from the vampire bite."

"I don't want to lose you guys again." Warm tears threatened to spill from my eyes. "How am I a fairy?"

"Go upstairs to the attic, and find the old journal I used to read to you when you were a little girl. You will find everything you need to know." She said,

She used to read it to me at night. I always thought she was just crazy. "Okay, mom. I love you guys so much." I say giving them both a big hug.

"We love you too hunny, we will always be looking over you." She said, sadness evident in her voice.

At that moment I am brought back to reality. My eyes start to open and everything is still blurry. I put my hand over my bleeding neck, there is a sudden wave of warmth and the wounds close.

"Are you alright?"

"No, I am not alright! He bit me." I said with an angry tone, glaring at Damian.

Damian was standing in the corner of the room, he had beautiful dark brown hair that covered his forehead. I could only see a little bit of his eyes, they were brown with specks of gold. He started walking toward me. As a response, my back hit the cold wall behind me. A smirk started to form on his lips.

"I couldn't resist. Your blood smelled so good."

"Both of you get out, I can't deal with you guys right now." In a matter of seconds, they were gone.


Remembering what happened in the dream, I carefully opened the attic hatch and climbed the ladder. It had a weird wet moldy smell. Huge spider webs were apparent in all corners of the attic.

"That's just great." I sarcastically said. I absolutely hate spiders.

Reaching my hand into the first box was no use. The only item in the box was a worn knit blue blanket. Why do we have a box of baby boy things? There was a small box that looked different from the rest in the corner. Frantically ripping the tape off, I saw two medium-sized journals laying in it. One said, "When I got my powers." The other said, "Our family history." This must be what my mom was talking about.

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