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*Celeste's point of view*

"Can you guys take me back to my dorm? I need to grab the journals." I say.

"Okay but I'm going to carry you. You are too weak to stand by yourself right now." Marcus noted.

"I'm fine!"

As I stand the sheets begin to slip from my grasp. I have to prove him wrong.

"Celeste, I don't think this is a good idea." Marcus and Drake say at the same time.

"Maybe not but I don't need to be carried like a baby."

Looking over at both of them, I can tell they are watching my every movement. Waiting for me to fall. My legs give out as I stand, I close my eyes bracing myself for the impact. Drake is at my side in an instant, earning a growl from Marcus.

"I've got her!" Marcus says, shoving Drake to the side.

"I was already helping her!" Drake says, getting angry. His eyes were no longer blue; they were crimson red.

"She's mine!" Marcus shouts, looking over at me. His once calm facial features are now filled with rage.

As I inch away from them, my back hits the cold brick wall. Sending shivers up my body, goosebumps evident on my arms.

"She is not yours, I found her first!" Drake says, now showing his vampire fangs.

"You do not know her as I do," Marcus says, even angrier than before. "You need to tell her the truth about vampires."

"T-tell me what?"

"Not now Celeste, this is between me and your lover boy," Drake says.

I need to know what happened between vampires and my family.

Gathering all the strength I could, I shout, "No!"

Drake starts stalking towards me and I move back but I am already pushed up against the wall. Marcus tries to pull Drake away but he uses his vampire strength, throwing Marcus across the room. Leaving only Drake and me alone in the room. He crouches down and puts his arm on the other side of my head. Why is he acting like this?

"You know what Celeste. If you want to know so bad, I'll tell you." Venom lacing through his voice.

"Vampires destroyed your family, leaving only you and your brother left. All I had to do was light one little match, setting your grandparents' house on fire. My plan didn't exactly work, your parents saved you." He says, laughing to himself.

"I don't understand. This whole time you have been nice to me, protecting me." I mumbled, trying to hold back my tears.

"When your parents saved you, I had to think of another plan. Fairies have too much power among supernatural creatures. Now I will finally have my chance, ending the fairy line with you."

His hot breath trails along my neck, giving me the strength I need. My hands start to feel tingly and in a split second, powerful vines shoot through my hands. Causing Drake to lose his firm hold on the base of my neck.

"H-help," I mumble, completely drained. Marcus is by my side in an instant.

"I'm sorry Celeste, Drake was too strong." He says.

Our faces are inches apart, as I pull him down. His eyes darted to my lips and my breathing increased.

"It's alright, you did what you could." I breathed.

In a split second, he is yanked off of me and Drake is leaning over my lifeless body once again.

"Please, don't do this Drake." My voice was barely above a whisper.

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