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*Celeste's point of view*

Yawning when I wake up, I roll over and see Marcus asleep. His face is calm and tranquil, not a single worry going through his handsome mind. Once I've removed his massive bicep from on top of me I draw back the covers. I step out of bed only to be yanked right back into my warm spot, comfortably tucked away next to him.

"Marcus, we've gotta get out of bed sometime today." I whisper to him.

"Five more minutes." He replies with a sheepish smile spreading across his gorgeous pink lips.

"Alright, but you won't get a morning kiss." I say laughing. That should get him up.

As soon as he hears the words escape my mouth he jolts wide awake.

"Okay, okay I'm up." He says with his gravely morning voice.

When I finally make it out of bed heading towards my bathroom he calls after me, "Celeste I think you owe me a kiss." He teases.

I turn around and am met with Marcus' eyes. He gently places his hand along my cheek and his other on my waist. My breathing hitches and before I know it our lips connect. Fireworks explode throughout my body. I am filled with passion for him. He gently bites my bottom lip gaining access to my mouth. We slowly pull away from one another. Our heavy breathing creates the only sound in the room. We look up at each other and smile.

Once both of our breathing is under control he says, "Good morning Celeste."

"Good morning." I replied.

"I've got to get ready for class but I will stop by after and pick you up." He says giving me a peck on the cheek before slipping out of my grasp.

After the kiss we just shared I am going to need a cold shower. Undressing as I turn the shower on, the cold water makes my skin tingle. I reach up to touch my lips remembering the passionate kiss I had just moments before.

Stepping out of the shower, I grab my towel and begin to dry off. All of a sudden my legs give out. I am left lying on the cool tile floor. Trying to stand up again was my only option, but it was no use. My body was so tired. Marcus should be here to pick me up in a few minutes. I heard the knocking on my door and I knew it was Marcus.

Through the door I barely hear him say "Hello, Celeste are you in there?"

"In here." I managed to mumble.

Realizing as he came in I was only wearing a towel, I immediately tried to cover up.

"Celeste! What happened?" He said trying to remain calm, but I could still see the worried look he was trying to mask.

I was too weak to say anything. All I could do now was close my eyes. He's here, everything will be alright.


As I woke up I heard someone talking, "What's wrong with her?"

I couldn't really make out his facial features but I think Drake was the one talking.

"I'm not sure, I brought her here because I didn't know what to do." Marcus said.

"My head hurts." I say, gaining the two guys' attention.

"Celeste you're awake!" Marcus said.

"What happened? Where am I?" I said, beginning to panic.

"You don't remember, do you?" Marcus said. "After I left your house, I came back and you were on your bathroom floor nearly passed out."

I tried to get out of bed but I fell back to the floor. Why can't I walk? Marcus gently picked me up and placed me onto the bed.

"Why does she keep falling?" I hear Drake say.

"I don't know. Celeste, do you know what's happening?" As he asks me they both turn, staring at me, waiting patiently for my answer.

"I have no idea what's going on. Before I got out of the shower I was fine, now I can't even walk and I am really tired." I say.

They both sigh and an idea pops into my head, "My mom's journal!" I exclaim.

"What journal?" They both say.

"My mother kept a diary of when she transformed into a fairy. Maybe it talks about these symptoms I'm having."


We are so close to 1k reads! Thank you all so much for the love and support. <3

xx alyssa

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