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*Celeste's Point of View*

Grabbing a cute outfit for the party was a must! The tight fitting black dress fit my curves perfectly. This party is going to be so much fun, I need to forget about life for a few hours. The party was being held outside, so after I put on mascara and lip gloss I went outside. A fire is in the center of the forest and there are gold fairy lights hanging up all around the trees. Drake and Damian are in the corner talking to each other when they both look up at me. Their eyes both trace up and down my body. Walking in the opposite direction is exactly what I did, boys seriously have a one track mind.

As I am standing by the drinks looking over the selections, I grab a cup and fill it with whatever's in the cooler. One drink can't hurt right? After pouring the alcohol into the cup I take a huge sip and move over to the dance area.

I've been dancing for a while now and you would think I would be tired but I'm not. Marcus is in the corner with his friends, I sway my hips a little gaining his attention. His eyes never leave my body. I tripped over a stick as I was walking over to him. Graceful I laugh to myself, but before I hit the ground he grabs me by the small of my back and holds me steady.

"Hey Marcus!" I say laughing a little too much.

"Um hey Celeste. Are you drunk?"

"What no, I'm not drunk!" I say using my fingers to try and count how much I've drank but I can't remember.

"Well maybe I'm a little drunk." I say laughing and almost falling over again.

"Okay you're definitely drunk. Let's get you back to your room Celeste." He says concern lacing through his voice.

"Can we dance first?" I ask giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Alright one song."

He puts his hands on my lower back and I wrap my arms around his neck. His woodsy smell fills the air. He relaxes his tensed body and lowers his hands as I rest my head on his shoulder. Looking up into his luminous gorgeous blue eyes.

"You're beautiful Celeste." He says.

He pulls me in for a kiss when I run my hands through his hair. Once I feel his soft lips against my lips I kiss him back. After the kiss I feel my cheeks heat up. I'm sure they are as red as a tomato by now.

"Thank you." I say in a quiet voice looking down.

"Don't get all shy on me now Celeste." He says jokingly.

Smiling as I look back up at him. After a few more songs I start to get tired and he says, "Do you want to go?"

"Yeah." I say yawning.

We walk back to his car and he opens the door and I sit down. Once he gets into the car we head back to the dorms. I put my head on the window and started to feel my eyes close.

We are no longer in the car when I open my eyes, Marcus is carrying me into my room. He gently lays me down and takes off my shoes.

"Thanks Marcus." I say still tired form earlier.

"No problem. Didn't mean to wake you." He says getting up to leave.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I ask.

He smiles and says, "Anything for my princess."

Thinking about the nickname he gave me I smile. Once he got into the bed he pulled the covers up around us. He places his arm over me and snuggles closer.

"Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight Celeste." Is all I hear before I fall asleep.


What do you think will happen between Marcus and Celeste?

xx alyssa

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