Chapter- 1 Expecting the Unexpected

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"So are we hanging out this weekend?" Jennie asked her girlfriend of a year, Lisa Manoban as they walked through the school hand in hand.

"I don't know are we?" She asked just as stiffly as she had. In the past week or so things had changed in their relationship and neither knew what went wrong. Out of the blue Jennie had started pulling away from Lisa and then Lisa had responded the same way. The issue was that Jennie had no idea she was pulling away from her. They had yet to actually talk about the problem and Lisa wasn't too eager to do so.

"Tomorrow is Friday night, I thought we could go out for dinner and maybe see a movie or something. It could be fun. Besides, I really need to talk to you about something." She told her hopefully. She gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, hoping that Lisa would simply agree to going out with her rather than demand an explanation. The explanation she would get would happen in private They needed to talk about the problems that had arose in their relationship and there was also one other teensy-weensy itty-bitty little issue to discuss as well. Jennie refused to give that any thought until lunch time so she knew for sure.

"Fine, what time?" Lisa asked as they got to her class.

"Do you want to pick me up at 6?" Jennie asked smiling softly at Lisa. They were the schools IT couple and they had to maintain their images. If it looked like they were fighting about something it would be all over the school in a matter of minutes. Lisa Manoban was the bad ass popular senior while Jennie Kim was the cheerleading junior. They had been a couple for over a year now and no one ever thought it would last.

"That's fine. I have to get to class." Lisa said lowering her head to peck Jennie's lips quickly.

"I won't see you at lunch, I have to run an errand." She called after Lisa.

"Alright, I'll see you after school." Lisa called after her as she walked away. Jennie took a deep breath and walked into the classroom taking a seat beside Rosé at the table they shared in biology.

"Have you figured out what's bugging Lisa?" Rosé asked quietly. They didn't want to disturb anyone else in the class and they really didn't want anyone to overhear their conversation.

"No idea. We're going out for dinner tomorrow night. If she's going to break up with me I hope she'll do it then." Jennie told her.

"Have you found out for sure about you know what?" Rosé asked in code, just in case someone was listening in. There were already suspicions around the school that Jennie Kim and Lisa Manoban were about to break up. All the girls in the school were excited for that possibility. Every girl in the school wanted a chance to date Lisa Manoban and every guy wanted Jennie Kim.

"No, today at lunch. As my best friend it is your job to come with me." Jennie ordered her.

"I wouldn't miss it." Rosé stated firmly.

"Just remember that if it's true, it's going to be a bit of a tragedy. Not the miracle that you're obviously thinking." Jennie warned her friend.

"Understood. Bad timing and all." Rosé nodded her head trying to assure her friend that she would act appropriately.


Lisa took her accustomed seat in the back of her calculus class and immediately slumped forward. She didn't understand at all why Jennie had all of a sudden started pulling away. It wasn't anything obvious but it was just a feeling she had. Before she always had a smile for Lisa and she could rarely stop talking long enough to let Lisa get a word in edgewise but now there were more awkward silences. There had never been an awkward silence between them before. It's one of the many parts of their relationship that she loved.

Expecting The Unexpected- Jenlisa AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now