Chapter-8 Torn

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"So are you nervous Jennie?" Chaerin asked at the breakfast table Wednesday morning.

"A little bit. But I'm excited too, we get to see the baby today." Jennie said fidgeting in anticipation while she ate her grapefruit.

"Are you going to get a photo printed off?" Her mom asked hopefully.

"Absolutely. I'll see if they'll give me a couple. I know Lisa's dad wants one, and you guys should have one. I want one for myself to keep with me at all times." Jennie explained as she waited for Lisa to pick her up. The ultrasound was first thing in the morning so they would only be slightly late for school.

"They will. Are you still going to school today?" Chaerin asked.

"Yes, we'll just be a bit late." She told her mom. Her mom nodded approvingly as she sipped from her cup of coffee.

"We haven't talked about the pageant yet. There is no rule saying you can't compete if you're pregnant so it's your choice." Chaerin said clearly still hoping her daughter would compete.

"I'll still compete. It'll be good for someone a little different to participate." Jennie shrugged as she heard a car honk outside.

"That's Lisa. I better go."

"Alright have a good day sweetheart." Chaerin said as a sullen looking Taehyung came walking down the stairs. Jennie smiled at her brother who looked like he didn't sleep a wink all night as she walked out of the house and got into the car.

"Good morning." Lisa said leaning over and kissing her quickly.

"Morning." She said back as she buckled her seat-belt and Lisa pulled away from the curb.

"So are you excited for this?" Lisa asked, it was clear she didn't sleep much the night before. She looked exhausted.

"I am, but I'm also a bit nervous. You never know what you're going to find." Jennie said letting some of her nerves come to the surface.

"Yeah." Lisa answered as they drove to the hospital. They got there quickly and they got out of the car walking through the automatic doors. They rode up to the floor that dealt with pregnancy and babies and walked over to the desk.

"Can I help you?" The nurse asked.

"Yes I have an appointment for an ultrasound." Jennie said.

"Alright take a seat and we'll be right with you." She said pointing to the chairs. Jennie and Lisa sat down and she took her hand reassuringly.

"You had to drink a bunch of water this morning?" Lisa asked her.

"Yeah and now I really have to pee." She told her.

"That sucks." Lisa laughed as the nurse came back and called then into an examination room. Jennie sat down on the bed and rolled her shirt up around her breasts so her slightly rounded belly was on full display. Lisa sat in the chair while the ultrasound tech started wheeling the machine over to where Jennie was lying.

"This will be a little cold." She warned them as she squirted some of the jelly onto her belly. Jennie winced when laughed when the stuff hit her belly while the tech started moving the traducer around her belly.

"Strong heartbeat. Healthy." She said as she moved around looking for the baby.

"I can't really see anything." Jennie said peering at the screen.

"There's one foot. And the other one. There's hands and the baby's head." She said pointing out various parts.

"So the baby's all there?" Jennie asked knowing the question sounded stupid.

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