Chapter-7 The Woman with You

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The alarm went off far too early for Jennie's taste, signalling that it was time for her to get up and get ready to go shopping with Rosé.

"Do we have to?" Lisa groaned when she smacked the alarm to turn it off. She pressed himself even closer to Jennie grinding her still unclothed body against hers.

"Sadly yes. You have to let me get up." Jennie told her wriggling out of her grasp.

"Why?" She asked pulling herself closer to her yet. Jennie laughed and pulled herself free from her embrace, picking up Lisa's shirt from the bedroom floor and putting it on, buttoning only a couple buttons up.

"I have to go have a quick shower before Rosie picks me up." She said walking into her en-suite bathroom.

"Fine, I'll go make us some breakfast." Lisa said pulling a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt on before heading out of the room. As she walked down the hall to the stairs she noticed that every other bedroom door was still shut tightly, signalling that no one else was up yet. Kai's room was closed, though that didn't mean anything. Speaking of Kai, Lisa needed to have a talk with him and fast. Kai had no right to say that she wasn't ever supposed to date Jennie. It wasn't any and it would never be any of his business. Lisa would see to it that Kai understood that clearly. The room her mom was sleeping in was shut tight too, Marco had decided that since he was there most often he got the master bedroom. Marco and Chitthip hadn't shared a bed in a long time. It was much more convenient considering that half the time she brought home her latest Italian conquest. Chitthip and Marco Manoban was simply a show marriage, it was a sham in every other way possible. When Lisa got into the kitchen she was surprised to see her dad up with a mug of coffee in front of him. Marco nodded his head at her and pointed to the coffee pot on the counter.

"Thanks." Lisa said. Marco nodded again and went back to reading his newspaper.

"Where is Jennie?" He asked after he finished the story he was reading.

"Just taking a quick shower. Rosé is picking her up to take her shopping for a dress for the dance today." Lisa explained.

"Okay, listen I think you should tell your mother about the pregnancy. I know you don't owe her anything but maybe it will finally get her out of the delusion that you're going to join her in Italy when you graduate." Marco suggested.

"I have been meaning to tell her." Lisa said sitting down.

"I know, but you may as well tell her before Alberto shows up." Marco said dryly.

"Who the hell is Alberto?" Lisa demanded. She was used to hearing different names when it came to her mother. She was nearly positive that this Alberto was like all of the others. He would enjoy his relationship with Chitthip until Chitthip got bored. Then she would dump him and he would go back to Italy thinking that he had lost his most epic of loves.

"Exactly who you think he is." Marco answered.

"And you don't care that she's essentially making a fool out of you by parading these men around?" Lisa asked.

"She doesn't go out with them in public, eager to keep up the illusion of the happy Manoban couple." Marco shrugged.

"Haven't you had enough of pretending?" Lisa asked. These were all questions that she had wanted to ask for a long time, she just never did. It was only fairly recent that her and her dad spoke willingly all of the time. Lisa always thought that Marco preferred Kai over her but Lisa understood now that her father only paid more attention to Kai because Chitthip only cared about Lisa. Out of both of their parents the only one that was any good at all was Marco.

"Yes. I am looking into divorce. I'm just worried about losing everything to her." Marco nodded.

"I think it would be worth starting over completely just to throw a wrench in her plans." Lisa shrugged inputting her opinion.

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