Chapter-9 She thinks she needs me

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The next morning Lisa rolled over and mashed her head into her pillow groaning. The sun was slanting through her window brightly and she knew by the amount of sun that she was late for school. She vaguely remembered the day before and knew without a doubt that she had a lot of explaining to do. She just wasn't sure how to do it. But first she had to get out of bed and shower. Maybe the hot water would make her feel better. Lisa promised herself in that moment that she was never going to drink again. It just felt horrible the next day. When she managed to roll herself over onto her other side she picked up her phone and saw several missed texts from Jisoo but none from Jennie. She also saw that it was after 12:00 and that she was very late to school. She got out of bed as fast as her body would allow her and walked into the bathroom, intent on washing the booze and hopefully the hangover out of her system.

A few minutes later Lisa got out of the shower and dressed before walking downstairs.

"I was wondering when I was going to see you." Marco said from the kitchen.

"You knew I didn't go to school?" She asked running her hands through her hair. Her head ached and her stomach felt funny but aside from that she felt almost normal.

"I was home when Jennie dropped you off. Your mother had my car, she went shopping. Jennie is very upset with you." Marco told her.

"I know. I should get to school so I can talk to her." Lisa sighed.

"What happened?" Marco asked cautiously.

"Well I kinda freaked out at the ultrasound yesterday. I saw the baby and I flipped. I'm not ready for it." She admitted.

"It's a little late now to not be ready. You can feel that way, it's completely normal to be afraid of having a child. I'm sure every person is afraid, especially their first child." Marco told her.

"But I'm supposed to be the strong one. I'm supposed to take care of her during this, but here I am freaking out because suddenly it's one hundred percent real because I've seen it." Lisa explained.

"It was one hundred percent real three months ago Lisa. I know it feels different when you see the baby, but I know you're going to be a great parent. You'll be fine. You just have to talk to Jennie." Marco told her.

"What do I say to her?" She asked.

"The same thing I said to your mother when she was pregnant with you. We were young too when you were born, and you weren't planned. But we got through it, your mother wasn't always the way she is now." Marco reminded her.

"What did you say to mom?" Lisa asked.

"I told her that I love her and I'm sorry for freaking out. I'm just scared, but I promised her that we would get through it all together." He said.

"That sounds easy enough. But I should probably go to school. I shouldn't take the whole day off." Lisa said.

"You probably should. How are you feeling?" He asked staring at his daughter who looked a little worse for wear.

"Like shit, but you know how it goes. You get pissed and your pregnant girlfriend brings you home, and you proposition her for sex while you're drunk. I have a lot of explaining to do." She said shaking her head and picking up her backpack and car keys.

"Maybe you should just stay home and get rid of the hangover before you go and talk to her." Marco suggested.

"No, I know Jennie and that would just make things worse. I have to go talk to her now." Lisa said walking to the door.

"Well good luck then." Marco said flipping to another page of the work he was doing.

"See you after school." She said walking out into the sunshine.

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