Chapter 22- How Do I Live

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I am so sorry for the late update. My internet got cut off a while back and I can only update when I find a secure internet connection.

Now about the story, I promise things are going to start looking up again in the next chapter which is already written. I can only handle so much depressing stuff at a time.
Enjoy and let me know what you think.

When Jennie woke up the next morning, she rolled over temporarily forgetting about her injured shoulder and arm. The pain shot through her and everything suddenly came back. The accident. Lisa’s uncertain future. Everything. Immediately when she thought of Lisa the tears welled in her eyes. She must not have been as quiet as she thought because her mom rushed into the room and gently pulled her into her arms.

“It’s okay sweetheart. You’ll be fine.” She said rubbing her back.

“It’s not me I’m worried about. Can you take me to Lisa?” She asked hopefully.

“How are you feeling?” She asked first.

“I feel fine. I just need to be with her.” Jennie told her mom.

“I’ll take you there and you can stay as long as you want. Just come home with your dad. You should also consider going back to school.” Chaerin suggested. Jennie thought about it for a minute, she didn’t really want to go back if Lisa wasn’t going to be there. But she knew she had to. She couldn’t risk her grades, especially not with the baby coming. They had a plan and any change to that plan would ruin it. The timing was perfect on everything and she didn’t want it ruined.

“I’ll try going back tomorrow.” Jennie told her mom and her mom smiled pleased at Jennie’s decision.

“That’s my girl. You know Lisa wouldn’t want you putting your life on hold for her.” Chaerin told her daughter and Jennie nodded feebly.

“I just need to see her. She needs to wake up.” Jennie whispered.

“She will. Maybe there will be some change today.” Chaerin suggested. Jennie smiled hopefully and got out of her bed.

“I hope so.” Jennie whispered.

“I think you should eat something though. You didn’t even touch your sandwich last night.” Chaerin whispered.

“I’m not hungry. I’m going to get dressed.” Jennie said and her mom nodded and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later Jennie came downstairs with a tight t-shirt on and yoga pants. It was hard to get dressed with only one arm but she knew that if she just gave her shoulder a little more time to heal she would have partial use of her arm. The cast would hinder using it some but it would be better than it is now. She grabbed her jacket and pulled it on her good side and slung it over the other meeting with her mom in the kitchen.

“I’m ready to go.” Jennie told her.

“I still think you should eat. Don’t starve yourself.” Chaerin insisted.

“I’m not hungry. I’ll eat if I get hungry.” Jennie told her trying to assure her mom. Chaerin didn’t look too convinced but she nodded her head anyway. She figured that Jennie wouldn’t risk her pregnancy and she would eat soon. Grief did horrible things to a person. Lisa needed to wake up.

“Alright, let’s go.” Chaerin said grabbing her keys and escorting her daughter out of the house. Jennie got in the passenger seat of the car and waited while her mom got in on the other side. Chaerin seemed weary and she seemed much older than she did a few days ago. Finding out your child was in a car accident seemed to do that to a person.

Expecting The Unexpected- Jenlisa AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now