Chapter- 16 It's Only Life

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Update as promised. Although my lazy ass updated it quite late. Apologies. Anyways Happy reading!

Lisa slammed the front door behind her when she finally got home after a particularly horrible dinner with her parents. Her mom was getting ready to go back to Italy and she had really pushed her over the edge this time. Chitthip Manoban had the nerve to buy her a plane ticket to go with her to Italy so Lisa could "fulfil her familial obligations," as she worded it. Lisa had answered with a resolute and completely certain no. There was no way she was going to Italy for a couple of months when she had a child on the way. Hell, there was no way she was going to Italy with her mother for any reason at all. There was nothing worth the amount of horror that would occur on that trip. Her mom then told her, she didn't have a say in the matter and Lisa said she couldn't force her. It was a really bad solution. It got worse when she called Jennie quicksand and that she would be a horrible parent so she should just give up now. Give up now? Really? Lisa was going to try her best to be a great parent. Through the entire conversation slash argument, her father had tried to interject. He had tried to calm both parties down but was unsuccessful. After listening to her mom bitch about Jennie and the baby for around half an hour, she got up and stormed out of the restaurant listening to her mother calling after her. Lisa couldn't believe the nerve she had. She should have asked her again, rather than just purchased a ticket. It wasn't right, especially now. Lisa knew the rest of her family was right behind her when she left, so she stormed up to her bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her. She didn't want to talk to anyone, although she knew it wasn't anyone else' fault. The second she was in her room she was picking up the phone dialing the most familiar number in her phone. Her speed dial one. Her most frequently called. Her best friend and lover. She was everything and she was the one Lisa always unloaded on whenever her mother did shit like this.

"Hey." Jennie greeted when she saw Lisa's name on the caller ID.

"Hey baby." Lisa said taking deep breaths so she didn't just unload on her. Lisa didn't want to yell anymore, and she didn't want to stress her out. Stress was bad for pregnant women. She didn't want to hurt anything.

"Uh oh. What's wrong?" She asked. She knew when something was wrong. Jennie didn't' even have to look at her to know something was wrong. She could tell by the tone of Lisa's voice or even the way she sighed. She could tell by her silence that something was wrong. It was a phenomenon that Lisa would never understand. It was unreal.Jennie was unreal.

"Just dinner with my god damn family." Lisa muttered shaking her head. Sometimes she wished there was someone else she could tell all of this too. Jennie didn't need to carry the weight of everything on her shoulders.

"What happened?" She asked as Lisa heard her sit down on her bed. Lisa could hear the springs squeak. Squeaky springs were the main reason she was never able to sleep over at Jennie's house. Her parents would catch them together almost instantly. The good doctor had supersonic hearing and the one time Lisa had even sat down on her bed at night so they could watch a movie he came storming in. If it hadn't been so annoying it could have been funny.

"Just my fucking mother being herself again. Except this time she took it further than before." Lisa said.

"Okay, so I can see that this is going to be like pulling teeth today, huh? What did she do?" Jennie asked.

"She bought be a plane ticket to join her in Italy. There is no way in hell I am going and I told her that. She's not pleased. She's blaming everything on you. She's saying because of you I'm never going to live up to my potential. She said everything that is wrong with me is your fault and I hate her for it. It's because of you that my life is somewhat livable. You remember how I was when we met, I don't want to be like that ever again. Then she proceeded to tell me that I may as well walk away now because it's going to happen inevitably. She told me that I'll be a horrible parent because I'm too much like her. Selfish." Lisa ranted.

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