Chapter-10 Let's make Love (M)

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The four of them walked into the dance and piled their jackets onto a table, claiming it as their own for whenever they wanted to sit down. The gym was decorated in traditionally corny dance decorations- streamers and balloons mostly.

"Ugh, why can't they get more original decor?" Rosé whined as they sat down for a moment until they decided what they wanted to do.

"The way I recall it, you're the one who organizes the dances' Rosie." Jennie reminded her as Lisa and Jisoo got up to grab glasses of punch for their dates. Rosé shrugged non-committal, making it clear that she took no blame for the horrible decorations.

"I work with what they give me." She said. Jennie laughed and grinned when she saw Taehyung and Irene weave their way through the crowds. She jumped up and rushed over to hug her brother and other best friend.

"You guys look so great together." Jennie enthused.

"Yeah. I took her out to dinner and now we're here to dance all night." Taehyung said smiling.

"That's good. Have fun tonight Tae." Jennie said going to sit down at the table again smiling widely. The girls returned then hands filled with cups of juice.

"Already checked to see if it was spiked." Lisa promised as she handed on glass to Jennie who took it gratefully. She took a sip of the fruit punch and then put it down. Jisoo offered her hand to Rosé and she sighed taking hers. Lisa sat down beside Jennie as they watched Jisoo and Rosé head onto the dance floor. As they moved out to the middle of the floor everyone's gazes locked on them, surprised to see Jisoo Kim and Rosé Park together.

"Want to dance with me Ms. Manoban?" Jennie asked offering her girlfriend her hand. Lisa grinned and stood up, offering Jennie her hand. She smiled back and slipped her hand in Lisa's as she led Jennie out onto the floor. They grabbed the spot next to Jisoo and Rosé, she took Jennie in her arms, hand on her lower back and other one holding hers. They started swaying to the slow song that was playing over the sound system, eyes locked on one another.

"So how long do you want to stay at the dance?" Lisa asked as they swayed.

"I don't know. I want to dance a few dances and hang out for a while. We have to remember that we came with Jisoo and Rosé, so we have to wait for them." She reminded Lisa.

"Not necessarily. If we want to leave early, they can go home with Taehyung and Irene." Lisa suggested.

"That's true." She nodded her head as they kept swaying. They were dancing as close to each other as they possibly could, her belly pressing up against Lisa as they moved.

When the song was over, they pulled back and went back to the table. Jisoo and Rosé immediately started dancing to the song that came on next. Rosé was definitely losing all control of her emotions around Jisoo.

"Are you having fun, love?" JIsoo asked her as they moved to the faster paced song that came on after the slow on.

"Absolutely. You're not half bad company Kim." She replied as they danced.

"Neither are you Park." Jisoo countered. Jisoo would spin her out and pull her back in, employing her dancing expertise that she usually hid from everyone. Rosé was impressed with her dancing prowess. When the song ended, they went back to the table to get a drink.

"Whew, it's awesome out there." Rosé said grinning when she sat down.

"Yeah, we had to sit down." Jennie responded grinning with she saw how close they were standing together and how Jisoo's hand was on Rosé's lower back.

"So how long are you guys wanting to stay for? It is Friday night so you're probably staying at Lisa's. I thought you two would like some alone time or something tonight." Rosé asked.

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