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Kellan's POV

What was I even thinking, letting Kenzie meet Annie, that was such a wrong and bad move, how do I explain things to her and will she even believe what I'm gonna tell her.

I miss her already and I catch wait to explain my self to her, it not always what we see that seem to be what we think, I love Kenzie with my whole heart but I just know how to express my self.

And If I could turn back the time, I would always put her first in my heart, to prove my love is true.

"Down to earth Kellan" Annie said, standing in front of me in nothing but my towel, I guess I must have zoned out cause she looks so pissed off.

"Huh, what did you say?" I asked rubbing my hands on my face, I'm so stressed, the image of Kenzie's face is forever imprinted in my memory.

Once again, I have hurt her, something I swore never to do, each day I keep disappointing her.

"Where is your hand drier I forgot to bring mine" Annie said glaring at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and pointed to the bathroom.

"When did you say you where leaving?" I asked, as much as I loved her I can't risk it with what I have with Kenzie.

I want to make it work, I have to make it work, I will have to come clean with Kenzie.

"Sacking me so soon" Annie asked faking hurt, but deep down I know she was hurt by what I said, I have been caught in this dilemma.

I don't want to hurt Annie, neither do I want to hurt Kenzie and in this case I think I have managed to do both just in one day and in a span of an hour.

"You know I was just kidding right, you can stay as long as you like, I don't mind." I said smiling at her. She turned around and entered one of the rooms.

I wonder what Kenzie might be doing now.

Has she eaten?

Is she okay?

Why did she suddenly leave? Did she need something, I'm so dying to get to her but Annie insists she wants to meet her again.

I'm not really in support with that idea but knowing Annie she will find ways and means to meet her so i gave in to her demands.

"I'm all done now can we go now" Annie said wearing a short beige shirt dress which stops around her mid thigh and she matched it a black knee length booths which I recognized.

I bought it for her as a Christmas gift last year or two ago. I smiled at her as I grabbed my key and wallet.

As we stepped out of my room Annie put her hands around my arms, I just looked at her and shook my head, I just let it be since she wouldn't even obey me if I should tell her to remove it.

We walked straight to Kenzie's room and I knocked on the door, I know the password but I just didn't want to barge in like that and I wasn't alone.

It took her about 5min before the door was answered, she was surprised when she saw us standing there.

She looked like sh*t, her hair is messy, her eyes are red and puffy obviously from crying, her nose to is red.

She tried taming her head but to no avail, she looked at me straight in the eye and something flashed in them but she was quick to hid it, she turned to Annie next and then looked at our hands.

I followed her gaze and noticed she was looking at our hands, she hasn't spoken a word since she opened the door.

I was feeling uneasy and guilty for putting her in this state, I really despise my self for making her go through that.

"Can we come in" Annie politely asked not taking her eyes off Kenzie.

Kenzie then moved her gaze to look at me and I nodded my head softly, she opened the door widely for us to enter, she sat on the far end side of the couch as Annie and I shared one.

"You look like sh*t you know that right" Annie said the second she sat on the couch, Kenzie gasped at her, I snapped at her by mentioning her name.

"Chill, brother, I was just messing around with her" Annie said in an apologetical way.

"My cousin here wouldn't take me out to eat unless I come and explain my relationship with him" Annie said hitting me at the back of the head.

"Let me introduce my self properly, I'm Annie a cousin of this idiot sitting here, I came to spend a week or two in town, don't worry my stay here won't affect your relationship or anything" she said smiling brightly at Kenzie who was looking at her like she has grown rubber horns.

Kenzie's eyes welled up tears again, and as much as she tried to fight it it just fell down, I moved to her side and wiped it away.

I don't know I just don't mind how Annie introduced her self to other females, but the thought of Kenzie thinking I'm in a relationship with my own cousin really bothered me.

"I'm so sorry Kellan" Kenzie said covering her mouth to prevent the hiccups from coming out, I was confused why is she sorry, I should be the one apologizing.

"Why are you sorry, I'm the one to apologize I didn't do the introduction well" I said taking her in arms, she sobbed into my shirt like a baby and I petted her hair to calm her down.

"I should have demanded for an explanation but I just concluded things on my own and I just took off to." She said looking at me with her red eyes.

"It okay, we both are at fault let not blame any one" I said to her assuring her that it nothing so we should move past it.

I forgot Annie was here in the room with us until she spoke up.

"Kenzie, hope I can call you that" she asked looking at Kenzie who only nodded her head to say yes to her and to tell her to continue with what she wanted to say.

"I know you haven't eaten and Kellan and I are going out to have dinner was wondering if you would love to join us?"

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So far tell me what you like and dislike about the book, remember we are in this together I couldn't have reached or be here with you guys I love you bunch

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