Chapter 38

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For once I put Kellan the thoughts of Kellan behind me, I will worry about him some other time.

"Mummy and daddy never thought you how to be selfish" my subconscious reprimanded but I never gave a damn.

I went to the club with Kyle and to be honest with you I had so much fun in a long time.

I momentarily forgot about my problems, I was free as a bird and wasted as well.

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache, Kyle was sleeping peacefully beside me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot to call Kellan. Thinking about him makes me cringe.

I know he has hurt me in so many ways but that doesn't mean I should equally hurt him as well.

I reached out for my phone on the night stand and quickly dialled his number no answer. I tried several times no answer.

I groaned internally as I fisted my hair in my hands. My head was still pounding but I still need to do the right thing.

I managed to enter the wash room and had a long relaxing shower. In the shower I thought about so many things.

Especially about my relationship with Kellan. We seriously need to talk, the relationship is going down the drain and I don't wanna experience what I experienced before.

It either we both fight and fix things or I will gladly let him go even if it hurts to think of that but I can't also keep on poisoning my soul with such toxic relationship.

I made a quick breakfast with considered of pancakes and milk, I took 2 pain killers and left a note on the dinning table for Kyle.

I grabbed my car keys, at first I wanted to go to Kellan's office but I thought twice about it so I went to his apartment first.

Since I know the pin code I just typed it in and walked in majestically. I dropped my coat and keys on the sofa.

I made my way to his bedroom, the apartment is so quiet well that Kellan for you.

The door to his bedroom wasn't closed so I just walked into in to see him sleeping peacefully, I tiptoed to his bed side and sat there watching him sleep.

So looked so exhausted even in his sleep, he snored softly and his mouth was slightly open.

I couldn't help but to admire the beauty of this god, his all mine and I'm not gonna give up on him that easily.

I traced my hands on his face, his lashes are something any woman would die, they are so thick and look. His sharp jaw had some few hairs on it which even makes him look hotter.

I took his long hands in mine and gently massed it, I didn't know how or when but my eyes where so heavy with sleep I decided to nap for 5mins maybe by then kellan would be awake.

Kellan woke up to someone holding his hands, he was a little bit perplexed.

"What is she doing here" he thought to himself as he watched his girlfriend sleeping. He was admiring her beauty when the events of the evening came rushing in.

"I saw her, in a towel with a man" Kellan bitterly remembered, he immediately removed his hands from hers although he missed the warmth her hands provided.

He got out of the bed and gently placed her there, he couldn't let her sleep like that she will wake up feeling sore.

"What shows she isn't sore from last night" my subconscious retaliated

"Shut up, I don't care what she did or whom she is with it her fucking choice" he spoke to no one in particular.

It hurts to imagine her moaning, screaming, wittering and shivering under another man's arms.

Kellan shook those thoughts out of his mind and made his way to the washroom, he freshened up and went to the living room to get some work done.

"Mmmm, aaah" u groaned as I stretched my limbs and hands, the cracking of bones made me feel better yet sore.

I looked around and I was in an unfamiliar room, I panicked a bit until I remembered where I was.

My mind immediately went to Kellan but ge wasn't in bed, gosh I must have slept deeply.

I made my way to the living where I heard the soft melody of the song, I walked quietly not wanting to disturb him.

And there he was in his glasses, looking intensely at the papers scattered across the floor and table.

I back hugged him when I got a little bit closer to him, he was startled for a little bit but then he relaxed when he saw that it was me.

He didn't move nor touched me, I could feel the rage rolling of him, he was quite. So quite for my liking.

But I'm not giving up easily we need to stop hurting each other, I thought to my self as I moved around the couch.

He sat appropriately when I began to approach him. He was looking at any where else except my eyes.

I will be mad if I was him also. Finding your girlfriend in a towel with another man, she didn't call to explain anything to you.

I straddled him and wrapped my hands around his neck, where from this courage I actually don't know.

"Kenzie, what are you doing" he asked looking at me as if I have brown a rubber horn. I can see amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Are you drunk or high on something" he asked as he tried to pull me off his lap but I won't have any of it so I tightly pulled his neck and he ended up smashing his face on my boobs.

I giggled at his reaction, he looks cute this way. I sat properly by rubbing my self on him and I could see the effect of that action on him.

"Kenzie what are you doing here" he asked after composing himself.

"I came to explain what you saw last night" immediately I said that his facial expression changed, he was trying to hold everything in he was guiding his feelings from me.

"There is no need, I clearly understood what I saw last night" he said in a defeated manner. I hate to see him like this.

"Look at me kellan" I softly coed, but he wasn't having any of it.

"Look at me" I finally yelled, forcing him to look at me. I could see the raw emotions in his eyes but he closed his eyes and when he opened it nothing was there.

His eyes looked so blank. As if he doesn't have any feelings.

"It not what it looks like, please believe me" I pleaded taking his face in both of my hands. He wanted to look away but I won't let him.

"If it not what it looks like then what is it Kenzie" he softly asked.

"I love you Kellan, I really do. The guy you saw in the towel is my cousin and that how we've been since childhood I should have told you about him but I'm sorry if I caused any misunderstanding.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you" I said at the verge of tears, I couldn't hold it in so I let it out.

Kellan reached out and wiped the tears away. He gently tucked me under his chin as he consoled me.

"I don't want us to fight or anything, I really want this relationship to work Kellan, let work on our differences, because I don't wanna lose you I love you"

It been long I know and sorry about that I'm back will try to finish this book soon but please check out my new book If loving you were wrong I would really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️

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