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My heart was thumbing so loud in my chest, the blood has been drained of my face, a bead of sweat has formed on my forehead although the night breeze is a little bit chilly.

I stumbled a bit, I look so distress, is it three years ago all over again, I can't go through that pains and humiliation again.

Most of the people here came to my wedding and they knew what happened, should any of them spot the three of us together the whispering, the finger pointing and that sad looks will be all directed at me again.

Those that didn't know what happened three years ago will know and the gossip will continue till till .

"Are you coming with me" mum asked as she made her way back to the party. I could only shake my head, she looked so worried but was trying her best to hid it.

Who I'm I kidding, that day really hit her hard just as much as it did to me. She became the laughing stock of her friends knowing mum she bounced back on her feet and fought back.

Unlike me, I count brush that off like it never h happened.

"Take the lead, I will join you very soon" I lied to her, I didn't know what to do or say if I should bump into them. What will their reaction be, what will mind be. Will i swallow it and pretend everything is cool with us.

Will they be happy in seeing me. So many thoughts where running in my head and a headache has began to form.

After the incidence three years ago I haven't seen them only heard of them in the news paper, I'm not ready to meet them I must find a way to get out of here.

But what will u tell Kellan and his family, I hope mum covers up for me, I will text her I'm leaving when I catch an Uber.

I felt two strong arms wrapped around me, I nearly screamed but kept quite as the person inhaled the perfume on my neck. I pushed my worries away for some few minutes and leaned into him.

Sorry if ad to leave you, after the talk with mum I figured I will take some fresh air before joining you back there. Isn't the sky beautiful today, so many stars, the moon shining brightly among them.

I only assumed it was Kellan but I was mistaken until he opened that filthy mouth of his.

"You smell great just like you always do." Ryan said kissing me on my neck.

I immediately jumped out of his arms and created a huge distance between us. I glared at him with all my might. I rubbed where he just kissed with my hands but I still felt dirty. This scumbag what did he think he was doing. Gosh this disgusting I glared at him several times but it wouldn't make up for what he just did.

"What do you think you are doing" I yelled at him, I was beyond angry. My hands where itching I feel like slapping that smirk of his face. The nerve of him smiling at me like we are old time friends.

We might be old time friends but I cut them loose three years ago they especially him is a stranger to me now. I don't know him anymore.

"I missed you, and I know you also missed me if not you wouldn't have allowed me to touch you" he said with a sneaky look on his face. He tried to come closer to me but I held my hands up to halt him in his advances.

The last thing I want is to draw attention to our selves and as much as I'm trying to this scumbag is really getting me upset.

"You must be day dreaming and crazy, I don't know what is in your thick skull but all I know is I served tides with you three years ago at the church, you are a stranger to me and the next time you try that move on me again I will charge you with assault" I said trying to move passed him.

"Not so fast bitch, what are you doing here with my husband" Fabiola asked glaringly at me from head to toe.

She was the one I was dreading to meet, Ryan is a piece of cake, but not Fabs. Just great the scene I was trying so had to avoid is now playing right in front of me.

I can't let her have her way with me again, I have to put this cheaters into their right places.

"The better person to ask that question should be your husband not me" I said smirking at her.

"Ask him why he was spying on me and why he is still obsess with my perfume and natural scent, ask him why he thinks I look so lovely in this my outfit I bet it reminds him of the days I used to be his only joy" I said smirking wickedly at then.

Fabiola opened and closed her mouth not knowing what to her but Fabs always has something to say no matter what.

"I trust my husband it you I don't trust" she said walking a little bit towards me.

"Oh really, in what sense, I don't feel anything for him you can have him after all my parents thought me not to throw away my used toys but to give it to the less privileged, so Fabiola that how come you have Ryan he is a toy I used, I'm sick and tired of it so I passed it to you" I said enjoying my self.

She threw the champagne she was holding onto my face. She was now smirking at me while I looked at my ruined dress.

"I will teach you a lesson today" she said raising her hand to slap me but her hand was held back, I was surprised Kellan was the one holding her hand.

"Let go of me you moron, who are you to hold my hand" she screamed like the bush girl she is. Ryan was dumbfounded looking at the me then Kellan.

"I'm Kenzie's boyfriend, fiancé and soon to be her husband touch her again and you will face the consequences" Kellan said removing his jacket to put it around me.

Fabiola never hid her perplexing, she looked between the two of us. She knew me she knew I will not move just now I pray she doesn't find out it was a play.

I was short of words, I didn't know what he was talking about, but I'm great full he has saved me. Not that I will stand there and watch her slap me.

"Let go my love" He said taking me away from those two cheaters who deserved each other.

"Is it true, is it true you've moved on" Ryan spoke for the first time since his wife made an appearance. He looked so sad, he brushed his hands several times in his hair.

" she is all lies, I know Serena, she will never move on this easily she is just a little liar." Fabiola said.

I smiled at her and walked closer to her, " Fabs I'm not the old me you know and Ryan doesn't deserve my time and love. I'm glad I found out about you two after all you lead me straight to the love of my life. " I said flipping my hair in her face, I know she hated that just to rile her up I did it.

And ooh Fabiola take this, I did what she did to me, I poured  my glass of champagne on her face and dress as I turned bad walked away.

I didn't have time to watch or care what people think I'm so damn tired of living my life they way people want me to.

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