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"But Kellan" she whined, like the gold digger she is, she buttered her eyes, pouted her lips and mad a sad face.

For a moment I thought Kellan would have fallen for her act but no, he didn't he just turned his back on her and asked me if I was alright.

I kinda of felt bad for her, she was genuinely hurt by his actions. I muted "she is hurt, apologize to her" I wouldn't want the same thing to be done to me.

And I sincerely understand her feelings for him, she loves him and would do anything to protect him, I know I haven't known him all my life and she did, I didn't want to be an obstacle between their friendship and neither do I want her to be a thorn in my relationship.

Kellan only heaved a huge sigh as he brushed his hands through his hair and turned back to her, she was so lost in her thoughts.

Looking at her she doesn't look like a bad person, she is beautiful in her own way, only if she would meet someone who will love her and she will the person back.

Finding a honest person to go out with now a days is quite scary and difficult.

"Vero, short form for Veronica, listen to me I'm sorry if my words or actions hurt you, I didn't mean to hurt you in any way or in any means. But you need to get along with her, I love her so much that I will die if I don't see her for a day." I pretended to be playing with Eva but my mind was on their conversation.

My heart swelled at what he said, how can I be so lucky, I left a relationship which almost caused me my life.

Flash back to 3 years on the day of the wedding

I was standing on aisle like a fool, maybe I am, Ryan was holding  Fabiola's hand tightly, he was wearing the suit we chose I mean Fabiola and I, and she was wearing the same gown as I was wearing.

I was confused at first until I saw the wicked smirk on Fabiola's face, the sorry face of Ryan and the harsh whispers of the guest, they where looking between Fabiola and I.

Then everything settled in, mum and dad where right beside me, my aunties and uncles where all right beside me.

My head was spinning, my eyes where clouded with tears, my heart was hurting the last thing I heard before passing out was the hot slap Ryan's mum landed on his cheek.

I woke up to the beeping of the monitor, I have been in and out of consciousness, the betrayal really hit me hard.

I pretended to be okay when my family was around and I cried my self to sleep when they live, I fell into depression, noting made sense to me, I so badly wanted to kill my self.

I tried several times but luck was never on my side, my wedding became the topic on almost all media networks and newspapers.

Nothing made sense in this life, I have nothing to live for. People pointed the hands at me when I was discharged from the hospital.

It was to much for me that when I decided to move from my current state to another state, to start all over again.

I have to be strong to shame them, looking back at my past I'm so happy Ryan and I didn't get married because he has gifted me with something better, someone who treasures me.

End of Flash back.

"Down to earth Kenzie" Kellan said bringing me back from my thoughts.

I only smiled at him sadly, as I took his extended hand. I joined Veronica and Eva in the car, what time did they leave I couldn't tell.

"Are you okay?" Kellan asked for the 100th time, I know he is pretty worried about me, it about time I let him on my past life, I will wait for him to tell me his when he is ready, as for me I am ready to share with him.

"No I'm not but let talk after we return" I smiled at him, that seem to put him at ease.

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