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If I thought the outside of the Mansion was beautiful, you should have seen the inside. It scream wealth and the decorations was perfectly done. Starting from the curtains  hanging on the walls to the chandelier.

When we entered the main hall where the party was held, it wasn't crowded as I had expected it to be. Some people turned to look at us and continued with what they where doing, others starred and most just took a glance or where oblivious to what was going on.

I scan the room and heaved a sigh of relief I know 40% in the room the rest I don't. Me knowing roughly like 40% doesn't guarantee anything.

A young woman with her brunet and big brown eyes shining was walking with a tall man beside her. The smile on her face can brighten a room full of darkness. I smiled politely back at her although I don't know who the smile was directed to.

"Auntyyyy!!!" Kellan let go of me to hug the woman who kissed him on both cheeks. His face turned red immediately she called him my little boboo.

Kellan since I met him was genuinely happy, for once all the worries was set aside, he was himself, he has a beautiful laughter, I like it when he laughs and his hair gets on hos way by falling on his face.

"Uncle Julian you as great as ever" Kellan handshaked with the man whom I assume is his aunty's husband they kinda off look good together.

"Who is this beautiful princess beside you, I'm really mad at you, for not introducing me to her before the party" she said, faked being angry, crossing her arms across her chest and spotting a cute spout on her lips.

I already liked his aunt, come to think of her she really look good in her outfit, not too lavish and not too simple also I'm just glad she didn't glare at me or something.

That what people of my caliber normally do until they no you are part of them they do not easily accept you well most of the people because I know few people whom your social status doesn't really matter to them.

"I'm sorry my love, just let it go this once" Kellan said giving her his best puppy eyes, I never knew he had this side to himself.

"Who are you Kellan Jenkins" I asked my self zoning out for a bit, I tuned them out as they continued to joke and I was wondering whom this man was.

"Serena meet my one and only Edna Rogers and her husband Julian Rogers, aunty, uncle meet Serena Acosta" he said introducing us, he bowed slightly and that got all of us laughing including himself.

His uncle smiled at me and extended his hand I accepted it with a cute smile on my face.

"Acosta, don't tell me you are the daughter of" she didn't finish her sentence when I heard the familiar voice of my mum.

"Yes she is my daughter that Serena" mum said smiling fondling at me. Dad came to my side to kiss me on my head.

"Hey sweetie"

"Hey dad, mum" I waved my hand at them.

"You look stunning tonight" mum said as she gave me a sideway hug which I gladly returned.

"Omg! You've grown into such a beauty, have always known you will grow to be a beautiful lady. Now look at who faith brought together" she said looking at Kellan and I she was smiling genuinely as if she knew something I didn't. Kellan just kept on smiling to himself.

I had a confused face on, what was going on, I tap Kellan and muttered what was going on and he had the same face asking his aunt what was going on.

"I'm so happy all of you are here" Mrs Jenkins said coming to stand beside her son, her husband in toll, a waiter came to pass so I took two glasses of Champagne since everyone was holding one.

"Mum what going on" I asked my mum looking at her, come to think of it this old ladies look great in their evening wears.

People have started to look at us, because in away we stand out.

"Well the Jenkins and I where neighbours before they moved. Kellan was 3 while you where 1, he was so protective of you that he doesn't allow any male to come closer to you. Imagine how heartbroken he was when he heard they where moving out." Mum said as if recalling the memories.

"So Edna was just surprised you two ended up together after all this years, if they hadn't moved I'm sure you guys would have ended up together" mum concluded smiling at me.

Kellan and I exchanged surprised looks as we smiled to our selves he gently squeezed  my hand to assure me everything will be alright which I was great full for.

"That reminded me of something can I borrow her for a minute" mum excused us as she took me to the back of the house which was less crowded. I had to keep up with her next of the way she was in a hurry to go.

"Mum what going on" I asked her immediately she let me go. She had a worried look on and she even looked scared but looking at her it was as if she was looking around for someone.

"They are here, I saw them" mum said frantically. She held me by shoulders not in a loose or tight grip as she shook the hell out of me. Mum has never been this scared before we'll have never seen her like this people and who is they.

"Mum calm down and talk, who is here and what are you talking about" I asked her trying to calm her down not knowing her next words I would rather need the calming down.

"Ryan and Fabiola are here, I saw them so be careful you don't run into them. His parents couldn't make it so he came instead" mum explained further.

I couldn't think, breath or blink for some few seconds, their names kept ringing in my head Ryan and Fabiola, like how, why, why them. Out of all places why should I meet them here.

Distinctively I heard my mum talking but I was so lost in my thoughts to even try to understand what she was saying the only thing I was thinking about was Ryan and Fabiola are here.

I'm not ready, at least not yet, I can't face them, well it not that I did something to be ashamed of they should be but I'm just not ready to confront them.

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