Chapter 3.2

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TW!!!! Food at the end!


We carefully search all the dresses and suits and we find all kinds of cool stuff in the clothes we've found. Only one doesn't have that kind of cool gadgets. It's pretty small too and it's fully black, just like every other piece of clothing.

Maybe this one is from Tubbo? He was the youngest after all.

That must be the case Y/n, the rest is bigger. We have a lot to ask Tubbo tonight.

We shouldn't overwhelm him, that's a lot.

We should just ask him.

You're right Bad, I get blinded easily when it's about Tubbo, thank you. I don't know why but he is my blind spot, not in a bad way, but I always think he's too young or something.

You can always ask me if you aren't sure about anything, I will always listen to you muffin.

It's always Tubbo who I can talk too, it's just weird. But thank you a lot Bad, I really appreciate that.

It's no problem you muffin, I'm always eager to help you, now we need to move. We're almost done with sorting out all the stuff, so yeah we need to carry it in the room again and place it in the closet there.

Bad yawns and rubs his eyes,

You should take a little nap Bad, you seem tired.

I should, but then you are doing all the work and I-

I can handle it Bad, it's okay, please get some rest.

Bad walks down the stairs and I gather all the things I need to bring down. I have everything and I walk downstairs.

When I arrive, I put all the things on the bed and untangle my earphones (because everyone has that) and put the buds in my ears.

I put a song on, the first in my playlist.

Now playing --> blood //water from Grandson

The song starts blasting through my ears and I start sorting all the clothes that bare lying on the bed. There's a lot of different stuff so it takes a while. I separate the dresses from the suits and then take all the belt from it.

The song ends and a new one starts playing.

Now playing --> Bad romance from Lady Gaga

I love the song. The beginning is cool as always and I start putting the dresses in the closet. Then I hear the chorus blasting through my ears and I quickly put the dress down and and start doing the dance. After that dance I don't stop but I finish the whole song.

I still know the whole dance. I learned it with Tubbo when we were very young. After that I start putting the clothes away again. Just like nothing happened.

Now playing --> Stay Calm from Griffinilla

I start putting the suits away and then I'm done. I finish listening to the song and I walk downstairs, but before I do that I hide my earphones again.

When I arrive again I see that Tubbo, Bad and Niki are in the kitchen, working.

Hey Y/n

Hey Niki, can I help with anything?

Can you help me with opening this pot?

Tubbo is trying to open a pot, but it doesn't open under his hands. He hands it to me and I open it after a while of struggling.

Thank you Y/n!

I run my hand through his hair,

Your hair looks like a mess!

I know, I'm just very lazy.

Can you help me Y/n?

With what Bad?

Can you wash the carrots? I need to cut a cucumber right now.

I grab all the carrots and wash them one by one, after a while we are done and Niki put them in the pots and fills it with fluid.

We need to set this away and after a while we will have a lot of vegetables.

Do I need to set them away Niki?

Yes please, I can make lunch or something.

Can I help you Y/n? I don't think you can carry that many pots.

Of course, your help is appreciated.

We grab all the things we can, but we only can carry half of it. We walk upstairs and place it in the attic.

Hey Y/n let me put all the things in the cupboards here, while you grab the rest. That is the fastest.

I put everything down and walk down again and grab the rest. When I arrive in the attic again, I see that Tubbo has sorted out all the stuff and he is putting it in the cupboards.

Here's the rest, I'll help you with it.

Okay, I need to explain that song thingie maybe. They answered to all the things in the songs in their head, but they were talking to someone bad, who wants that they join them. Y/n is trying really hard to resist, but it's hard, because they want to care for everyone. Okay this was it

Please don't forget to eat, drink and take your medicines.

I love you,


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