Chapter 1.2

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TW!! Mentions of period again

Techno POV

After we landed, Y/n ran to Tubbo and they started hugging.

My mind is wandering of again.

I walk to Will and give him a friendly hug, after that I do the same with Niki.

Y/n does their introduction and they walk off to get a car while Will and I retrieve the luggage out the car.

Hey Techno?


You're zoning out again, this is the second time today.

I'm sorry Will, I'm just a bit concerned, because of this situation.

Me too, I'm especially concerned about Tubbo, he seems so vulnerable.

Y/n has much confidence in her fighting skills and their skills are impossible to win from. If Tubbo was her training buddy, I wouldn't be surprised if he is good too.

Snow is the last thing I need to grab so I grab him and put him on the ground.

I'm not sure about you Will, you said you're not a fighter.

I can fight, but I'm not very comfortable with it. I'll explain it later and better.

I understand Will, you can be our healer then if you can do that.

Sure, there's the rest with the cars.

We walk towards our luggage an go sit on it.

I lay my hand on the shoulder of Will and smile to him.

I will tell them okay, then they won't protest.

Thank you Techno, what should I do without you?


Wilbur looks at me.

I'm joking Wilbur, I'm joking, I'm sorry!

What joke?

Nothing Tubbo

I see Niki wispering something to Y/n and then they give her something.

We need to use the bathroom, we're back in 10!

Stay safe!

Tubbo runs to Snow.

What a cute doggo! Is it from you Techno? What are they called?

One question at the time Tubbo. It's from Y/n and they are called Snow.

They are  very cute, do you have a leash for them?

No, but they are trained that they won't leave Y/n or me.


Will sits down on the ground and I follow.

What are the girls up to?

Isn't it clear?


*They're on their period you two dumbheads.

But Niki said she was on her period 3 weeks ago!

It's every three weeks you idiots.*

Why didn't anyone tell me that?

It's not appreciated in this culture.

That's horrible!

I see Y/n and Niki walking back to us and I warn the rest.

There are they coming! Keep it down!


Where did you find that doggie by the way?

Ask Y/n

Hey Y/n! Where did you find Snow?

*They wanted to attack me, but when they saw that I was friendly they accepted the help of me and I healed them. Then I took him to Technoblade's house and now they're here.*

Lovely story Y/n

We need a place to stay so that we can go tomorrow and give Techno some rest for a moment.

I'm okay with staying at your house Wilbur, if you're okay with that.

I have left some things at home

Y/n and I can come with you to grab them and then we'll go to Will's house.

I claim the yellow and black car!

It looks like a bee, so that's why we chose it!

Okay, okay we'll take the green one, Niki do you know the way?

Wilbur Soot, I'm your NEIGHBOUR, I'm NOT an idiot!

(I don't know his real name 😙✌️)

Please don't use my whole name it's scary!

That's the whole point!

Let's go before this gets out of hand Tubbo and Niki

Okay, let's go.

This story is starting to get some plot now.

Please don't forget to eat, drink and take your medicines.

I love you,


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