Chapter 47

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"What the hell happened? Is Romulus here? Take her to him!" He demanded.

"We did already. She was dead when we found her. There's nothing he could do." Said Sirius.

I stepped closer. Her neck was chewed and bloody. Claw marks shredded her face. It looked like a wolf attack. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Where did you find her?"

"We were playing a round of soccer. We kicked the ball too far and it landed in the woods. I went to go get it and found her like this." Sirius explained, looking at her mangled face.

"Soccer in a thunderstorm?" I said.

"Makes it more exciting. She's dead, you're the only guardian here." Explained Sirius.

"Take her downstairs. I'll get ahold of the C.C.C. And Ulrich. Looks like he's pack leader again. The rest of you. Go look for any evidence in the woods. Lord knows the C.C.C. is useless."

They did as he said. I watched Sirius carry Adolpha's lifeless body down the stairs. The rest went outside.

"Sorry, Erin. I gotta deal with this."

"Don't worry about it I understand. I can't believe she's dead."

Bayne put back on his shirt and began making calls. My dad didn't pick up at first. He called Dakota too, along with the C.C.C. They said they were on their way. I sat on Bayne's bed while he made the calls. He hung up after ringing my dad for the third time.

"He must be busy. Cant imagine what he's doing." Said Bayne.

I cringed.

"I don't wanna know."

"He's old. He should be done soon. Sorry, Erin. I think I'm going to be up all night with this. You can sleep in here if you want, I'll try to see you in the morning." He kissed my forehead before blowing out the candles.

"Should I go help look for evidence with the rest of them?" I asked.

"No, you can stay here." He said.

"Are you sure? I want to help."

"The other guardians are gone, and the pack leader is dead, which makes me in charge right now. And I'm telling you to stay here, where it's safe. Got it?" He said.

I liked it when he told me what to do. I remembered when I hated it.

I nodded.

"Yes, sir."

He kissed my head before leaving.

I wasn't glad that Adolpha was dead, but I'm glad they interrupted when they did. I couldn't focus on any self enjoyment with how nervous I was. But that seemed minor compared to what else was happening.

Adolpha was dead, it appeared to be by a wolf attack. But the moon wasn't out, it had stormed all night. Some wolves had the ability to change at will, but that was an experienced wolf thing. A youngling couldn't do that.

I tried to wait up for Bayne, but I fell asleep. The bed was rather comfy. My dream were quite the opposite. All I kept seeing in my sleep was Adolpha's shredded face.

Bayne came in when the sun rose. His footsteps woke me up. I sat up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He said.

"It's alright. What's going on?" I said.

"Got ahold of your dad, he's on his way back, so is Dakota. The C.C.C .should be here soon too, I just wanted to take a quick shower first." He dug in his drawers for a fresh set of clothes.

"You must be tired. Can you take a short rest?" I asked.

"I'll be fine, I'm used to staying up. How'd you sleep?"

"Not good. I kept having dreams. About Adolpha." I said.

"I bet. Someone tore her face off pretty bad. Must've been personal. You should try to sleep more if you can. I'm having Romulus check Adolpha over again, see if there's anything he missed before."

"Did they find anything in the woods?" I asked.

"Don't think so. Seems to be a pretty clean job. I'll let you know more when I know." He said. He stuffed his clothes in his arm before heading for the bathroom.

"Did you forget something?" I said before he reached the door.

He turned around and gave me another forehead kiss.

"Can't forget that." He said before leaving.

I couldn't go back to sleep. My dad and Nadine arrived an hour later. I went to greet them. She greeted me with her traditional tight hug.

"Are you okay?" She said worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think everyone else is too. It's Adolpha."

"Bayne told me. I have to find out what's going on. I'll see you both in a bit." He kissed Nadine before going inside to find Bayne.

"Do you have any idea what happened?" Nadine asked.

"No idea. It looked like a wolf attack. A pretty bad one too."

"That's terrible. What a painful way to die." Nadine said.

Nadine had almost died from a wolf attack. From me, when I first turned. I bet she imagined the pain she felt, the fear of dying. I felt like she could relate to Adolpha.

Romulus was keeping her in the healing room. I helped Nadine take her stuff back to our room.

"So much for a relaxing weekend, huh?" I said.

"Yeah. We didn't see anyone. I think your dad was a bit relieved to come back. Just wish it was under different circumstances. Does this mean Ulrich is going to be pack leader again?"

"I'm not sure, but that's what Bayne made it sound like." I said.

The C.C.C. finally arrived. First, they went in an examined her dead body. Then, they called people up individually. Sirius and Romulus, then they requested me and Bayne.

We went up. The leader's chair was empty. My dad and Dakota sat in the others. The witch, vampire, and fairy stood in front of us. They all had good posture, and wore a stern look on their face.

"We have some questions for you boys." The witch said.

"Great. Ask away." Said Bayne, crossing his arms.

"You and Adolpha had some.. History. Correct?" Asked the fairy.

"Kind of. Nothing that deep. She thought I was annoying and disrespectful."

"Were you?" Asked the fairy.

"I mean, yeah. I guess. We got on each other's nerves sometimes." He admitted.

"So you two didn't get along? Interesting."

"What are you saying?" Bayne asked.

"You see. It appears she was attacked by a werewolf. But the moon wasn't out. Some wolves can change at will, but not many. The only two that could change on command that were here last night were you, and Adolpha." The fairy explained. He crossed his hands together.

"What's your point?"

"Bayne Greene. We have reason to believe you murdered Adolpha Bulan."

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