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I am sad to hear that one of the readers of addorable love has the covid 19 virus.

For AthenaMark_90, I pray that you get well soon and the Covid-19 virus disappears from your body. Get plenty of rest and pray.
focus on recovery, don't be sad.
I don't know where you live, support me from Surabaya (Indonesia) for your recovery.

Fighting 💪

Teman teman bantu doa yuk untuk teman kita AthenaMark_90 semoga cepat sembuh dan bisa nimbrung lagi sama kita semua.

Buat teman teman pembaca AL yang lainnya jaga kesehatan ya,patuhi protokol kesehatan jika keluar rumah.

Jangan anggap sepele virus covid-19........

Ingat!! 3M
Memakai masker
Mencuci tangan
Menjaga jarak

Salam sehat selalu

Love from author

addorable love( End ) Tahap RevisiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang