Bulletproof - Kid x reader

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I walked through the school corridor, wondering what sweet hell I am getting myself into today. I walked into class with seconds to spare, but as soon as I sat down by my brother, Soul, Professor Stein called for me and Kid to go to the Deathroom along with Kid's weapons. I chose to not carry weapons; I am much better with hand to hand combat than I have ever been with combat with a weapon, and I have proved that to Lord Death, so he let me still be a meister without a weapon. I sighed and got up gently, slightly irritated. Kid, Liz, and Patty all stood up and walked out of the classroom. I hesitated, glancing at Soul, who was also looking at me with a knowing glance. He knew I wasn't all buddy buddy with Kid. I didn't hate the boy, but I didn't necessarily like him either. I just shrugged and eventually walked out of the room and to the Deathroom. Kid must've been there by now.

I was right. Kid was already there, talking to his father about something. I couldn't really care what they were talking about. I just needed to know why Lord Death wanted to talk to me, then to get out of there as fast as possible. I glide to the middle of the circle, beside Kid. Once I noticed how close I was, I scooted over to put a little bit of space between us.

"Ah, welcome, Y/n! How is your morning going? You look a little tired," Lord Death immediately bombarded me with questions, but that is just in his nature.

"Yes sir. I am just tired. I didn't get a bunch of sleep last night." I answer plainly. I can feel Kid's golden stare on me, only for me to shrug it off, continuing to look at Lord Death.

"Oh, my. That's not good. Why so, if I may ask?" The entity asks, curiously, almost like he was trying to solve the puzzle that is my mind.

"Just can't sleep. That's all." My tone at that moment was a 'that's all you're gonna get, so just drop it'. And it seems like Lord Death got the hint. He then began explaining why we were called to the Deathroom. 

"The reason I called both of you here today is because I have a mission for both of you. You two are going to go locate Lady Arachne's hideaway and possibly to infiltrate it to see what kind of information you can get, if it's safe enough, and I'll leave that for you two to decide." He explains.  

"Yes sir." Kid, Liz, Patty, and I said in unison, only for him to open up and tell us more. 

"I am not sure how long you will be gone, so be sure to pack plenty at most three pairs of clothes, some food, water, and whatever else you might need, but remember to make your packs light and small enough so it doesn't get you caught. Got it?" The four of us nodded. "Alright! Off you go, good luck!"

With that, we all leave the Deathroom, and exit the school to pack.

"Y/n, wait," I heard a voice, followed by a soft tug of my hand. I turn around to see Kid looking at me with what I think is worry.


"Can we leave tomorrow morning instead of tonight? I want you to be rested for this mission. You're not a very good fighter when you're tired," Kid said. Did he seriously say that?

 "Excuse me?"

At that moment, Kid must've knew he fucked up. I wasn't sure if it was the tone I gave off, or the death glare I shot him down with, but the boy immediately let go of my hand, and stepped back, trying to save this trainwreck that he had spun onto the course of disaster.  

"What I meant to say is... I just don't want you tired because then you wouldn't be 100% focused, and we need you at your absolute best.." 

Good save.

"Yea." I spat at him. "That's fine. We start tomorrow morning. Meet here at 5AM sharp. If you aren't here, then I'm not waiting for you. Am I clear?" Kid nodded. It looked like he had fear in his eyes, but he did good to cover it up. I shoot daggers, glaring at him, before spinning around, and stomping away.

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