Talking to the Moon -Ryan Bergara x reader

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It's been ten years since you've seen your friend, Ryan. He was your best friend, but he moved away to another state right after highschool. You had no idea where. What bothered you was that he promised to keep in touch, but you never received as much as an email. It's like he suddenly vanished. Yet, for some reason, every night, you would sit out on your roof and just talk like he was there. That was a tradition when he was still here. You both would sit on your roof and just talk to each other, and even sometimes, just sit in comfortable silence. It was like a tradition; one that you still did, wondering if he did it too from wherever he is.

You had recently got a job offer for a really good paying job. The only downfall is that you would have to move to California, L.A. to be exact. You didn't really want to leave your hometown considering all of your family is here, but you can't pass up this opportunity. I mean, it was at Buzzfeed. Who would pass that up? So you were already looking at little apartments that you could rent so you would have somewhere to sleep at night. Hell, you already got the job and everything, and you had to be fully settled into your new place and be able to work full time by the end of the month. That only leaves you two more weeks. So of course you had already started packing and everything.

The day finally came. Moving day. Your parents drove you over since your car had already been taken and would be waiting for you in L.A.

"Now, sweetheart, call us the moment you land and let us know that you made it safely, okay?" your mom says.

"Of course, mom. I will." You reply back with a small smile.

"And remember what I taught you, Y/N. If anybody messes with you, do anything you can to defend yourself. Your safety comes before anyone else," Your dad reminded you for the 67th time since you've gotten into the car.

"Yes, dad. I'll remember," You playfully roll your eyes with a smile.

"Hey, I mean it. Los Angeles is a whole lot different from our small town. It's way more dangerous."

"I know, dad. Thank you," You hug him and kiss his cheek, doing the same thing to your mom once you release your father.

"We love you, sweetheart. If you need anything, we are just a call away, remember that." Your mom says, teary-eyed.

"I know, momma. Thank you. I love you both so much."

"Now boarding Flight 579 heading to Los Angeles, California. Gate 7. Boarding Flight 579 to Los Angeles, California. Gate 7."

"Well, this is it. I love you guys," You gave your parents one last hug. Picking up your carry-on, you get in line at the gate, taking one last look at your parents before entering the tunnel to get on the plane.

Once on the plane and in your seat, you put your phone on airplane mode and pulled out your book, planning on catching up on it for most of the flight.

Hours later, you were landing. Putting your bookmark in, you close and put away the book. You were only a few more chapters away from finishing it, but you decided to do that another time. As you wait to deplane, you notice a strangely tall, shaggy-looking man. He wasn't necessarily staring at you, but he was definitely stealing glances every chance he got. Thinking it was a little strange, you shrug it off, choosing to ignore it.

Once off the plane, you immediately pull your phone out, turning it off of airplane mode. You called your parents and told them you made it there safely and how the flight was. You decided it best to leave out the part about the strange man on the plane. Making your way to the baggage claim, you notice the man again. He, once again, was glancing at you every chance he could. Playing it smart, you ignore it once again, not wanting to make a big deal about it unless he actually approaches you. You made it to baggage claim, waiting for your luggage to be pulled around to you on the conveyor belt. Finally, all four of your purple suitcases present themselves. Grabbing them, and a luggage cart, you make your way out of the airport, glancing over your shoulder just in case the tall man was following you. Once you were sure you were safe, you found your car in the huge parking garage. Opening up the trunk, you play tetris with your luggage. After winning the tetris game, you get into your car and pull up directions to your apartment. It was nothing big; just a small one bedroom, but you really didn't need anything bigger.

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