Fly Into My Arms - Shane Madej x reader

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"Y/N!!! WAKE UP!!! IT'S TIME TO GO!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" You hear your best friend, Desiree shout, making you jolt awake. You immediately look at your phone, realizing that you have plenty of time and you're not going to be late for your flight to L.A. Desiree always does this because you have a habit of sleeping and not wanting to get up until right before you're going to be late for something. You have to say that it's very effective.

"All right. All right. I'm up." You sigh before climbing out of the sleeping bag. You and your best friend were moving to L.A. together and your flight was scheduled to depart in four hours. You shake yourself awake before putting on the clothes that you set out the night before. You finish getting ready and head to the kitchen where Desiree is leaning against the counter, flipping through her phone.

She takes notice of you and looks up smiling. "Good morning sunshine!"

You only groan in response, only to produce a laugh out of her. You take out your phone and start going through the checklist in your notes. Just some last-minute things you have to do before you leave for the airport. "Let's just get this over with and leave so I can go back to sleep on the plane."

"Alright, sleepy head," she smiles before helping you double check everything.

About an hour later, you both have double and triple check everything, making sure everything is packed and the two of you wouldn't forget anything. The both of you hop in your car, which will be flown over as well, and begin your hour drive to the airport.

"Goodbye little, small town! Big city, here we come!" The both of you laugh as you pass the town's "welcome" sign, ready to start your new lives in California.


Once arriving at the airport, you only have two hours before your plane departs. You are waiting in the check-in line with your luggage, making sure you have what you need in your carry-on to survive this long flight. In the midst of all of your rummaging around, you drop your wallet, the gravity making it hit the ground and slide just a little bit. You mentally curse to yourself before taking the small step and bending down to pick up your wallet. As your hand reaches to pick up the valuable, another, bigger hand beats you to it and you end up placing your hand on top of the stranger's hand. You look up and into dark brown eyes. You both stand up at the same time, locking eyes the entire way up; you having to look up more because this man was a good head taller than you.

"I believe you dropped this, ma'am." He said, his voice smooth. He held your wallet out to you. You took this opportunity to take notice of his outfit; a flannel and a pair of jeans. You softly take the wallet out of his hand and put it back in your bag.

"Thank you, sir," you said, giving him a soft smile.

"Hey, don't mention it. I'll see you around?" He chuckles.

"Yea.. Yea, see you around," you repeat before watching him give you a little wave and turn, walking away.

You turn back to Desiree to see a smug look on her face.

"What?" you question, stepping back in line beside her.

"Girl, you should've gotten his number.. Or at least his name." She nags you.

"So what if I didn't? It's not like I'll ever see him again," you shrug, zipping up your bag before anything else falls out.

"You never know though," Desiree pokes you. "He could live in L.A. like we will be."

"That'd be one hell of a coincidence," you roll your eyes.

"Yea, but they happen," She says, running her hand through her red and black split-dyed hair.

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